Bigdoor, Running for President of eChina | Bigdoor, 宣布参选中国总统 | (Eng.V updated)

Day 744, 06:05 Published in China China by Bigdoor
English Version



参选,这并非是个人的选择而己;相反,这是经过我党内部反覆讨论後作出的决定。选举, 这并非只是政府换主子那麽简单;相反,那是国家政策的一次重大决定。为了以行动来证明 对eChina的忠诚,高登党决定派人参与是次的总统选举。

而我Bigdoor,在众党员的支持下,正式宣布以高登党的名义参与12月的总统大选 。

1) 承传以往政府体制的优点,但同时也会改善不足的地方
2) 在军事和外交事务上,逐渐新的丶而又不过急的改革
3) 促进各党派,族群,民众与政府之间的沟通和互信
4) 为中国制造新一轮的婴儿潮,制定更完善的新人教学


一. 政府体制
- 提高财务上的透明度:我们会最少每星期定时向全国提供的财务报表。
- 国会政策讨论的公开化:除了军事与外交的决议外,我们会要求所有议案都要有合适的谘询 期,先让国人有充份的认知和讨论,再去行动议表决。
- 提高行政人员的数量:增加如福利部丶信息部人员的数量,避免因为上线时间影响施政,同 时增加大众参与政府活动的機會及降低公务员的工作量。    
- 确保政府高质素的施政:我们会希望资深的政务官,外交官,军在军事丶外交官员能继续留 任,以弥补施政经验的不足。但在政策拟定上,我们保证会有新的思维,新的角度。

二. 军事及外交
- 中国国防军正慢慢扩大其实力,同时必需有合适的军费来推动军事增长。现在中国国防军每 次必需得到国会批準才得到军费,我们将会考虑由不定期审批制转换成定期军费制。不仅让 民 众对军队更有信心,同时军队也更容易自行调配支出,为稳定的军事力量制造基础
- 虽然军队将会获得定期军费,但其开支仍然必需上报国会以至人民,从而增加透明度,减少 争议
- 尝试及支持军队以军企的方式自我支持,不仅减低政府开支,同时也直接避免遇上战时武器 价格大胀
P.S. 有关军企的方式,请参考Jameson L. Tai的文章
- 外交态度将大部份地维持原状。同时,我们将会持续寻找一些与他国合作新的可能性
- 与友谊国交流军队管理模式,令到我们能从中得到更多经验改善军队体制

三. 沟通与互信
- 增进各派沟通:我们明白到政党对人材培育都很重视,也希望各党派在工作上有更多的交往 。我们会诚邀不同党派人士入阁,作为副手,一起工作,一起学习
- 强化国民互动沟通:我们深信不论是上情下达,或是下情上达,都同样重要。每星期定时发 表国情咨文。发表最新决策,国家动向。此外也会建立民众咨询机制,收集民众对政策的忧 虑和不意见,从而改善施政。
- 最建立完善的政府资料库:特点是方便翻查,容易连结。这使政府表现有迹可寻,因此使民 众更容易,去了解和监际政府。此工作将会由讯息部负责。

四. 教育及出生率
- 在游戏内外的各种平台上加强宣传。宣传同时亦会小心注意,避免过分突出吸引长城注意
- 成立专案小组持续更新中文维基,同时制定更好的新人教学。本人已为高登众写了很多教学 ,相信只要作简单的繁体转换即可运用至内地的新人教育工作上
- 改善教育部的效率。引用香港招募新人的方法,招募文章加入教育部员的邀请连结,不仅可 以增加新人持有的黄金(新人费部份会回馈给他们),也令部员能即时经过邀请名单知道新 人的加入,作出及时的照顾
- 招募文章加入数个教育部员的邀请连结,分流新人照顾,降低部员工作量

- 於官方教学中加入建立公司的教学,提升新人对建立公司的兴趣。教学大致上已完成,唯一 要做的只是繁简转换
- 鼓励有兴趣开公司的新人先徵询教育部意见,以免杯具一再发生。以教育部对见习企业家的 意见,尽量控制国内企业种类。例如目前议员鼓励制造企业在国内发展(特别是武器行业) ,教育部可以推荐见习企业家尝试营运制造企业
- 同时教育部与有志在国内建立公司的玩家合作,推荐低技术新人加入这些见习企业家的公司 。好处有二:其一,低技术带来的低产量令公司支出相对较容易控制,同时经过教育的新人 懂得如何提升自己的产量,令公司更易操控;其二,令新进工人一部到位,减少中间损失
- 经济的增长很大部份依赖新人的加入,税率将尽量维持原状,只随现实进行微调。需求增加 和企业增加才是使经济得到增长的重点


我的参选并不是要反对谁,也不是要推倒 什麽,而是要推动新政策,改善中国政府的透明 度,改善中国政府的组织力,以及改善人口不足等根源性的问题。总统一职责任重大,非一 般人能承担。尽管上几任总统都尽己所能,对eChina一直作出了无私的逢献,但我们 还是看到有改善的空间,并且需要新的角度和视野去应对未来的挑战。而这次我愿意站出来 告诉大家,我愿意承担总统一职,并为了中国的未来付出我的心思和时间。在此,我希望各 位中国公民,不论年幼,不论文字,不论政见。都能为了中国的发展,互相合作,并出一分 力。

还记得我是在Day 639出生的,大概是八月吧。当时不知世事的我选择了英国。日子不断地过,看到中国不 断的成长。但过程中面对着种种困难与机会,最後还是决定回到中国开展新生活。一开始, 我觉得中国的工资真是很低,但我还是觉得建设总得有人当先锋。但渐渐发现,工资低只是 一些商家利用了大家爱国的心态而使自己的利润极大化,就算去到Skill 3只有3CNY的情况下仍然有人开工。作为一个满腔热情的新手,我眼见事实的残酷,也 不知如何改变,因此也只能奈何接受。

及後高登党开始发展香港地区,致力在香港招募新人。我有幸成为其中一个组长,帮助希腊 区香港新人的发展。在组长的旅程中,我了解到新人究竟需要什麽,所以我 撰写了一大堆教程,希望新人在那里学懂如何在eRepublik中生活。目前这个希腊 组长已经得到了第九个Society Builder奖牌了,在我和其他组长手下的新人健康成长,时至今天每天也仍有不少新 人加入。尽管我们已说明中国的薪金相对地低,建议先游戏初期在外国赚钱回国,还是有很 多香港的同胞选择在中国出生。当他们选了在广东出生,而成为了印尼人,又是难过,又是 愤怒。这说明大家的爱国心,是如何的强烈。每当我面对流落敌土的中国同胞,我曾抚心自 问,我能做甚麽呢?但最终我也只能无奈接受。

从希腊回到中国,我留意到中国政府一直都不够透明,组织力不足。一届又一届的政府,我 看到的都是尽心尽力的人员,他们不断的总结过去,并改善。但毕竟人总是会有盲点的。而 我也承认在有限的时间,有限的精力,有限的心思下能使所有事情尽善美,这也只是个理想 。但我坚信政府的工作,不能单靠努力便能得到回报,最重要的,是要能对症下药。经过长 期的观察,结论是政府一直都没有一个良好组织及制度,这种情况下顺利搞好国家发展明显 是一件难事。

从外敌手上夺回属於我们的领土後,我们一直都在努力学习如何成立一个有效的政府。进步 并没有停止过,但国家仍是四面楚歌,活在危险的环境当中。显然我们需要加入新的角度, 新的视野,新的活力去使中国走向富强之路。我决心参选议员就是希望实事求是,做好本份 ,也希望通过讨论唤起大家的思考,希望能一步步改善施政……但议员能改变的始终有限。


我知道这一切都能有机会成为现实,能有机会付诸实行。“实践是检验真理的唯一标准。" 但我需大家给予这个机会,我需要大家给予支持,我也需要大家的信任。我愿意成为推动前 进的蒸气机,成为挑起国策制定这个千斤担子的国家公仆。我承诺会着手改善制度上的问题 。希望我们大家能一起同甘共苦,为中国付出我们所拥有的知识与力量吧,而使中国在历史 的巨轮中永垂不朽!

党内大部份是香港人,但这既不代表全部都是香港人,也不代表香港人就一定是高登党。事 实上,我们不强迫新人进党,号召回流也只是希望他们能在中国参政及参军,而议会选举中 我们亦从来不强迫任何人投票,只有主动提出帮忙者我们才会以他的票作配票之用。我们一 直希望大家是因为政见上的一致才进入高登党,而那些政见与高登党不一的人亦不会被强留 😃



參選,這並非是個人的選擇而己;相反,這是經過我黨內部反覆討論後作出的決定。選舉, 這並非只是政府換主子那麼簡單;相反,那是國家政策的一次重大決定。為了以行動來證明 對eChina的忠誠,高登黨決定派人參與是次的總統選舉。

而我Bigdoor,在眾黨員的支持下,正式宣布以高登黨的名義參與12月的總統大選 。

1) 承傳以往政府體制的優點,但同時也會改善不足的地方
2) 在軍事和外交事務上,逐漸新的、而又不過急的改革
3) 促進各黨派,族群,民眾與政府之間的溝通和互信
4) 為中國制造新一輪的嬰兒潮,制定更完善的新人教學


一. 政府體制
- 提高財務上的透明度:我們會最少每星期定時向全國提供的財務報表。
- 國會政策討論的公開化:除了軍事與外交的決議外,我們會要求所有議案都要有合適的諮詢 期,先讓國人有充份的認知和討論,再去行動議表決。
- 提高行政人員的數量:增加如福利部、信息部人員的數量,避免因為上線時間影響施政,同 時增加大眾參與政府活動的機會及降低公務員的工作量。    
- 確保政府高質素的施政:我們會希望資深的政務官,外交官,軍在軍事、外交官員能繼續留 任,以彌補施政經驗的不足。但在政策擬定上,我們保證會有新的思維,新的角度。

二. 軍事及外交
- 中國國防軍正慢慢擴大其實力,同時必需有合適的軍費來推動軍事增長。現在中國國防軍每 次必需得到國會批準才得到軍費,我們將會考慮由不定期審批制轉換成定期軍費制。不僅讓 民 眾對軍隊更有信心,同時軍隊也更容易自行調配支出,為穩定的軍事力量制造基礎
- 雖然軍隊將會獲得定期軍費,但其開支仍然必需上報國會以至人民,從而增加透明度,減少 爭議
- 嘗試及支持軍隊以軍企的方式自我支持,不僅減低政府開支,同時也直接避免遇上戰時武器 價格大脹
P.S. 有關軍企的方式,請參考Jameson L. Tai的文章
- 外交態度將大部份地維持原狀。同時,我們將會持續尋找一些與他國合作新的可能性
- 與友誼國交流軍隊管理模式,令到我們能從中得到更多經驗改善軍隊體制

三. 溝通與互信
- 增進各派溝通:我們明白到政黨對人材培育都很重視,也希望各黨派在工作上有更多的交往 。我們會誠邀不同黨派人士入閣,作為副手,一起工作,一起學習
- 強化國民互動溝通:我們深信不論是上情下達,或是下情上達,都同樣重要。每星期定時發 表國情咨文。發表最新決策,國家動向。此外也會建立民眾咨詢機制,收集民眾對政策的憂 慮和不意見,從而改善施政。
- 最建立完善的政府資料庫:特點是方便翻查,容易連結。這使政府表現有跡可尋,因此使民 眾更容易,去了解和監際政府。此工作將會由訊息部負責。

四. 教育及出生率
- 在游戲內外的各種平台上加強宣傳。宣傳同時亦會小心注意,避免過分突出吸引長城注意
- 成立專案小組持續更新中文維基,同時制定更好的新人教學。本人已為高登眾寫了很多教學 ,相信只要作簡單的繁體轉換即可運用至內地的新人教育工作上
- 改善教育部的效率。引用香港招募新人的方法,招募文章加入教育部員的邀請連結,不僅可 以增加新人持有的黃金(新人費部份會回饋給他們),也令部員能即時經過邀請名單知道新 人的加入,作出及時的照顧
- 招募文章加入數個教育部員的邀請連結,分流新人照顧,降低部員工作量

- 於官方教學中加入建立公司的教學,提升新人對建立公司的興趣。教學大致上已完成,唯一 要做的只是繁簡轉換
- 鼓勵有興趣開公司的新人先徵詢教育部意見,以免杯具一再發生。以教育部對見習企業家的 意見,盡量控制國內企業種類。例如目前議員鼓勵制造企業在國內發展(特別是武器行業) ,教育部可以推薦見習企業家嘗試營運制造企業
- 同時教育部與有志在國內建立公司的玩家合作,推薦低技術新人加入這些見習企業家的公司 。好處有二:其一,低技術帶來的低產量令公司支出相對較容易控制,同時經過教育的新人 懂得如何提升自己的產量,令公司更易操控;其二,令新進工人一部到位,減少中間損失
- 經濟的增長很大部份依賴新人的加入,稅率將盡量維持原狀,只隨現實進行微調。需求增加 和企業增加才是使經濟得到增長的重點


我的參選並不是要反對誰,也不是要推倒 什麼,而是要推動新政策,改善中國政府的透明 度,改善中國政府的組織力,以及改善人口不足等根源性的問題。總統一職責任重大,非一 般人能承擔。盡管上幾任總統都盡己所能,對eChina一直作出了無私的逢獻,但我們 還是看到有改善的空間,並且需要新的角度和視野去應對未來的挑戰。而這次我願意站出來 告訴大家,我願意承擔總統一職,並為了中國的未來付出我的心思和時間。在此,我希望各 位中國公民,不論年幼,不論文字,不論政見。都能為了中國的發展,互相合作,並出一分 力。

還記得我是在Day 639出生的,大概是八月吧。當時不知世事的我選擇了英國。日子不斷地過,看到中國不 斷的成長。但過程中面對著種種困難與機會,最後還是決定回到中國開展新生活。一開始, 我覺得中國的工資真是很低,但我還是覺得建設總得有人當先鋒。但漸漸發現,工資低只是 一些商家利用了大家愛國的心態而使自己的利潤極大化,就算去到Skill 3只有3CNY的情況下仍然有人開工。作為一個滿腔熱情的新手,我眼見事實的殘酷,也 不知如何改變,因此也只能奈何接受。

及後高登黨開始發展香港地區,致力在香港招募新人。我有幸成為其中一個組長,幫助希腊 區香港新人的發展。在組長的旅程中,我了解到新人究竟需要什麼,所以我 撰寫了一大堆教程,希望新人在那裡學懂如何在eRepublik中生活。目前這個希腊 組長已經得到了第九個Society Builder獎牌了,在我和其他組長手下的新人健康成長,時至今天每天也仍有不少新 人加入。盡管我們已說明中國的薪金相對地低,建議先游戲初期在外國賺錢回國,還是有很 多香港的同胞選擇在中國出生。當他們選了在廣東出生,而成為了印尼人,又是難過,又是 憤怒。這說明大家的愛國心,是如何的強烈。每當我面對流落敵土的中國同胞,我曾撫心自 問,我能做甚麼呢?但最終我也只能無奈接受。

從希腊回到中國,我留意到中國政府一直都不夠透明,組織力不足。一屆又一屆的政府,我 看到的都是盡心盡力的人員,他們不斷的總結過去,並改善。但畢竟人總是會有盲點的。而 我也承認在有限的時間,有限的精力,有限的心思下能使所有事情盡善美,這也只是個理想 。但我堅信政府的工作,不能單靠努力便能得到回報,最重要的,是要能對症下藥。經過長 期的觀察,結論是政府一直都沒有一個良好組織及制度,這種情況下順利搞好國家發展明顯 是一件難事。

從外敵手上奪回屬於我們的領土後,我們一直都在努力學習如何成立一個有效的政府。進步 並沒有停止過,但國家仍是四面楚歌,活在危險的環境當中。顯然我們需要加入新的角度, 新的視野,新的活力去使中國走向富強之路。我決心參選議員就是希望實事求是,做好本份 ,也希望通過討論喚起大家的思考,希望能一步步改善施政……但議員能改變的始終有限。


我知道這一切都能有機會成為現實,能有機會付諸實行。“實踐是檢驗真理的唯一標准。” 但我需大家給予這個機會,我需要大家給予支持,我也需要大家的信任。我願意成為推動前 進的蒸氣機,成為挑起國策制定這個千斤擔子的國家公僕。我承諾會著手改善制度上的問題 。希望我們大家能一起同甘共苦,為中國付出我們所擁有的知識與力量吧,而使中國在歷史 的巨輪中永垂不朽!

黨內大部份是香港人,但這既不代表全部都是香港人,也不代表香港人就一定是高登黨。事 實上,我們不強迫新人進黨,號召回流也只是希望他們能在中國參政及參軍,而議會選舉中 我們亦從來不強迫任何人投票,只有主動提出幫忙者我們才會以他的票作配票之用。我們一 直希望大家是因為政見上的一致才進入高登黨,而那些政見與高登黨不一的人亦不會被強留 😃


To my dearest eChinese citizens:

Running for presidency is not just a personal choice; conversely, this is a decision concluded after many discussions within my party.
Electing for president is not just an oppurtunity for us to have a new leader; conversely, this is an important decision to be made under our national policies.
This time, HKGolden will prove our loyalty to eChina through actions; this time, we have decided to run for presidency in the coming December election.

I, Bigdoor, with the support of my fellow party members, now announce that I will run for the December presidency election with HKGolden's tag.

The principle of our campaign is [Elect in harmony, Buildup eChina to prosperity].

And so, there are 4 promises we'll make, and will be fulfilled once electe😛
1.) Inherit the upsides of past eGovernment, yet improving on where it's needed.
2.) In terms of millitary and diplomatic affairs, the main trend will still be followed and only micro-adjustment will be made.
3.) Improve the communications and trust between different parties, different groups, different citizens and the eGovernment.
4.) Bring eChina a baby-boom, prepare a improved tutorial

With the above conditions, we'll have passion, energy and also determination to accomplish several policies:

- To improve our financial transparency:
We'll have, at the very least, weekly financial report to the public, and also provide more promotions and communications on both in-game and out-of-game forums or other platforms.
- To improve the transparency of our congression policiy discussions:
Apart from millitary and diplomatic affairs, we'll set a certain time span for consultation for all law proposals, allowing citizens to have a more complete understanding and discussion, before the voting begins.
- To increase the number of civil servants:
Especially the number of staff in Ministry of Welfare and eChina News, ensuring the services will not be affected by lack of individual activities.
- To ensure the high quality of our eGovernment services:
We would like to invite veteran political officers, military officers and diplomats to remain in the cabinet, as to compensate for our lack of experience in everyday affairs. However, we'll be innovative and remain sharp in terms of policy making.

Military and Foreign Policy:
- China National Defense Army is becoming stronger, it needs fund to carry on its mission. We will consider the possibility of giving stable amount of fund to the army for a given period, to improve its ability of carrying the mission and training.
- Although CNDA receive its fund in a given period, the expenditure of CNDA will still need to be report to the congress and citizen in eChina
- Consider the possibility to let CNDA fund themselves and generate its won supplies through military operated companies
- Foreign policy will remain the same, in the same time we seek the possibility of cooperating with new country

- To improve communication between parties:
We understsand different parties value nurturing and developing their members very highly, we hope different parties will co-operate more in the future. We would like to invite citizens from different parties into the cabinet, giving them a change to have a "learning by doing" experience.
- To strengthen the interactive communications between citizens:
We truly believe that it is equally important for citizens to understand their eGovernment, as it is for the eGovernment to understand their citizens. We'll issue state updates weekly, publishing the most recent policies and directions. We'll also set up a consultation system amongst the public, collecting the different opinions and views thus improving our services.
- To construct a complete information system:
It will be great for looking up old policies and easier to find the correct links. This grants the public more accessibility to eGovernment performances, thus allowing the individual citizens to understand and monitor the eGovernment.

Population and Education:
- Get more people into this game through advertising while be care of being banned by China Gov
- Chinese Wiki will be updated more frequently by a wiki team
- Improve the efficiency of education through using referral link. Staff can know immediately that if newbie came into this game through "invite list" (built-in) and thus act immediately. Gold received when newbie reach lv6 will be partly returned to newbie themselves


After listing out the main points of the campaign, I would like to have a few personal words:

I am not here to oppose someone, I am not here to overthrow something, I am here to push eChina forward, to improve the transparency of our eGovernment, to improve the organizational power of our eGovernment, to eradicate the problem of our lack of population, problems that go much deeper.
The presidency position is one of great responsibility, I understand it is not for everyone. Although the last few presidents have tried their best, they've given up their valuable time to eChina unselfishly. However we see room for improvement, we believe eChina need a new perspective and innovation to tackle the upcoming challenges.
This time I want to say this to everyone of you, I am READY for this job, and I'm willing to contribute my thoughts and time for the future of eChina.
I hope every eChina citizens, regardless of age, language, political stance, that for the sake of eChina development, we'll co-operate with each other and give our best to serve the country.

I was born on Day 639, that's roughly August. I didn't have any knowledge of the game and I chose to start in eUK. As the days passed, I see eChina growing and growing even though there were many difficulties, I've decided to move back to eChina in the end.
At start, I thought the salaries in eChina are very low, but I also understood that someone has to lay down the foundation first.
However I discovered that the low salaries are just the results of many company owners exploiting people's love for the coventry, to maximise one's profits. At that time, although the salary for Skill 3 was only 3 CNY, there would still be a lot of people working here.
As a passionate newbie, I understood the cruelty of the situation but I had no idea how to change that, so I had no choice but to accept.

Later HKGolden started to develop Hong Kong and brought in a lot of new players from Hong Kong. I was appointed as one of the group leaders, stationed at eGreece to help these babies grow.
Throughout that time, I understood what new players were looking for, so I wrote a lot of tutorials and articles to help them to learn the game.
Now I've received my 8th Society Builder medal, under me and other leaders, many new players have grown and even today there are still many players joining each day.
Although we've explained the salaries in eChina are very very low, suggesting players to work in other countries before moving back to eChina, there are still many Hong Kong players choosing to start in eChina.
Many of them started in Guangdong, and turned out to be eIndonesian, they were sad and also very angry. This only shows how passionate we feel about our country.
Everytime I see these fellow countrymen ended up in our enemy's land that should really be ours, I asked myself what I can do? I had no choice but to accept.

Ever since I am back from eGreece, I noticed the lack of transparency of our eGovernment and it showed very little organizational power. I see many contributors in these past terms of eGovernment, they continuously evaluate the past and make relevant improvements, however things still get overlooked.
I admit, within this limited time, limited energy, and limited minds that to perfect everything, would only be too ideal of an idea.
But I strongly believe the eGovernment service does not gain rewards by sheer hard work, more importantly, the problems need to be tackled with the correct methods.
After observing for a long time, the conclusion is that our eGovernment has been lacking a system, a way to organize ourselves, let alone to develop the country.
Since we took back some of the land from our foreign enemies, we've been learning how to form an effective eGovernment.
The improvement has been ongoing, but we are still surrounded with difficulties and challenges, clearly we need a new perspective and more energy to drive eChina to the top of the eWorld.
I ran for eCongress in the hopes of contributing my part and tried to motivate others' thinking through discussion, thus achieving the improvements I'm looking for. But things dont always go as planned, there are only so much a eCongress member can change, the passion for improvement could only become illusions in my mind.

However I know this is it, this is the moment.

I know that all of this can become reality, there will be a chance for all of these to be put in practice.
"Execution is the only way to test the validity of truth." I need everyone to give me this chance, support as well as trust.
I am willing to be the steam machine that pushes everyone forward, to be the one that shoulders this heavy burden of policy makers. I promise I'll fix all the flaws of the existing system.
I hope that everyone of us will be willing to sacrifice for the greater good, contribute our knowledge and strength for eChina, thus allowing eChina to shine in the world of eRepublik.