Big X Thinking创刊第二个月回顾 / Review of the 2nd month of Big X Thinking

Day 892, 21:01 Published in China China by Xenon Ng

[To all subscribers: This article is published in eChina.]

(本报致力在e中国和东南亚各国纵横,运用对游戏深入的了解,流利的中英文,在不同国 家发掘并报道最新亚洲外交、军事消息,大家喜欢的话,请Vote & Subscribe支持。)


感言 Introduction

本报创刊于2010年2月21日,有感于辽宁之战后,e中国国情急转直下,所以开始构 思运用自己对游戏的了解,和流利的中英文,写一份有关外交与军事的跨国报纸,报导各同 盟国之间的情报,而且能维系各同盟国的友谊。

This newspaper was found on 21st Feb 2010, just after of the battle of Liaoning. The economy of eChina fell rapidly after the battle at that time. So, I want to make use of my experience and knowledge of playing eRepulik and my fluent English to write an international newspaper about military and diplomacy issues. The aim is to share information and maintain good relationship between our allies.

虽然人在e中国,但报纸则没有界限,它可以随时切换发布国家,就像自己在周游列国一样 。透过在不同国家交流讯息,建立由与各国玩家的友谊,本人十分享受当中过程。由于我的 报纸引起e中国外交部的注意,我在创刊不久后便被任命为e中国驻东南亚大使。

Although I stay in eChina, my newspaper is free to publish in any country, as if I were traveling around the world. I keep sharing ideas and making comments in different countries to establish friendship with players from different countries and enjoy the experience a lot. Because my newspaper raised the attention of eChina Ministry of Foreign Affairs, I was appointed as ambassador of Southeast Asia a few days after my first article.

在4月初的总统选举中,在4位候选人当中,有3位邀请我当外交部长,本人不胜感激。后 来shaka当上总统,本人鞠躬尽瘁为e中国努力做好职务,加强和其他国家的合作,报 纸便成为当中的有力工具。

In the president election in early April, I’m honored to be invited by 3 out of 4 candidate to be the Minister of Foreign Affairs in future government. Shaka won the election finally and I try my best to work for eChina. My newspapers become a powerful tool to connect with other countries.

作为国际性的报纸,本报由2010年3月21日至4月20日所发表的文章,按发表地区 的分布如下:

As an international newspaper, the number of articles published from 21st Mar to 20th Apr, 2010 by countries is as follows:

e中國 eChina: 17
e菲律宾 ePhilippines: 3
e马来西亚: eMalaysia: 3
e印度 eIndia: 2
e澳洲eAustralia: 1
e波蘭ePolan😛 1
e日本eJapan: 1
e新加坡eSingapore: 1
e泰國eThailan😛 1

共30篇 Total 30


This newspaper insists in providing high quality contents and layout so that the readers can have maximum reading interest.

本报读者群广阔,覆盖多个东南亚国家,在此多谢各读者的支持!以下将回顾去一个月本报 所发表过的文章。

The background of readers is wide and covers many different countries. Thank you for your support! Let’s review the articles published in last month.


回顾 Review


Because there're too many articles, I don't review the content of each article one by one. I try to classify them by category instea😛

外國政治 Foreign Politics
e菲律宾在3月国会大选后的情况及在当地执行反PTO行动的可能性探讨 (Mar 27, eChina)
e马来西亚正活在被PTO边缘 (Mar 29, eChina)
eMalaysia is under serious PTO threat (Mar 29, eMalaysia)
e印度将经历最糟榚的总统大选 (Apr 4, eChina)
e中国周边各国4月总统选举结果 / Result of President Election in Nearby Countries in April (Apr 8, eChina)

本土政治 Local Politics:
长江后浪推前浪,本人卸任国会议员有感 (Mar 25, eChina)
[论政]给e中国的家书:寄予未来当选的e中国总统 (Apr 3, eChina)
[论政]e中国向好的一面 (Apr 3, eChina)

外交 Diplomacy:
A message from eChina to support you (Apr 10, eAustralia)
Condolences from eChina (Apr 10, ePoland)
Greetings from eChina (Apr 10, eJapan)
Greetings to ePhilippines again, plus some news about eAustralia (Apr 12, ePhilippines)
eChina signs MPP with eMalaysia again, plus other things about eChina (Apr 12, eMalaysia)
Greetings from eChina to all friends in eSingapore (Apr 12, eSingapore)
Greetings from eChina to all friends in eThailand (Apr 12, eThailand)
Greetings from eChina to all friends in eIndia (Apr 13, eIndia)
本人结束为期4天的亚洲7国访问 / I finished the visit of 7 Asian countries in past 4 days (Apr 13, eChina)
eIndia, glad to see that you're motivated! (Apr 15, eIndia)

軍事 Military:
Insufficient MPPs of eMalaysia and ePhilippines (Mar 23, eMalaysia)
Insufficient MPPs of eMalaysia and ePhilippines (Mar 23, ePhilippines)
沒有足夠MPP的e马来西亚和e菲律宾 (Mar 24, eChina)
eUSA entered ePhilippines to block the attack from eIndonesia (Mar 24, ePhilippines)
e印尼正为攻击e澳洲与否进行公投 (Apr 9, eChina)
e中国对e印尼入侵e澳洲表示关注 (Apr 10, eChina)
[翻译]将e保加利亚引入亚洲 (Apr 17, eChina)

攪笑 Entertaining:
是咁的,本人呼籲高登黨民一起集資私有化All In! (Mar 30, eChina)
_人節的_人新聞 / F__lish news during April F__l (Apr 1, eChina)

避免向陌生人或组织购入房屋 / Avoid buying houses from strangers (Mar 22, eChina)
[论政]政治家的风度(Apr 7, eChina)
小报告:某君在呼吁民众支持Rajasthan的起义 (Apr 15, eChina)



以上长长的列表是否看得大家都眼花?本报在未来将会更加努力,继续为各国人民分享军事 及外交消息,并发挥外交功能,促进各盟国间之友谊。谢谢收看!

Are you shocked by the long list above? I will continue to work hard to share military and diplomacy information and maintain friendship among our allies. Thanks for reading!

Big X Thinking
Big X Thinking创刊一个月回顾
International newspaper about military and diplomacy issues based in eChina
Review of 1st month of Big X Thinking


