Big Trouble in Little Turkey?

Day 336, 23:40 Published in USA USA by Emerick
Category: Politics

On the tenth, when we were still in beta, I got a series of pm's from PrincessMedyPi, alerting me that her party, and every other party in Turkey was being taken over by the native Turks. I threw question after question at her, asking her how she knew it was a planned 'coup' by the Turks, what she was doing about it, what other parties were doing about it, ect ect. We had about 5-10 pm's between us that day. Nothing huge, but a good conversation in the end. When the smoke cleared the next day, she was victorious in her party, and the only casualty appeared to be The Jewish Unity party, who was taken over by a native Turk. He changed the name of TJU to The Jewish Unblushings. However, when v1 infamously reverted all parties back to their pre-October election state, something that annoyed most people, the Turkish parties were back in control of their previous presidents.

When the v1 PP election came around, I got another pm for the princess. She told me that the Turks were planning to retake the parties again; but, she told me, her people had a plan of their own. She told me that they were hosting a faux coup of the Turk party to dissuade them from invading the other parties. When we talked about the faux takeover, she told me that VanjaTurk, making it look like he was apparently acting on his own, joined MHC to give them a scare, a taste of their own medicine. She said that it worked exactly as planned. It scared the Turks into thinking that it was the second coming of the goons, but BattalGazi denied that. He just said that VanjaTurk was allowed to join their party, and dropped the matter. It worked, she later told me, and I congratulated her. Since I was busy testing v1 during the first elections(or at least, looking forward to it…daily), I disregarded the notion of writing a story about it. This time, however, I seized the opportunity. I held a gtalk conversation with PrincessMedyPi, and a pm interview with BattalGazi, the president of the Turk party, Mudafaa-i Hukuk Cemiyeti, who PrincessMediPi and others believed organized the party coups.

First I had my conversation with PrincessMediPi. She started the conversation off with a huge twist. "They're planning to commit genocide again...", she said with an exasperated sigh. "What", I quickly responded. She didn't explain much after that, saying only that she can't prove it, but she has intelligence that tells her that the Turks were planning it. When I asked BattalGazi about it, he responded with only, "haha. it's only rumors". Which made me think(hope?) that it might've been a lie that he and the Turks constructed to smoke out the spy that the princess had alluded to.

After that motherload, we moved on with the interview as planned. We talked about the party coups that I already talked about. I asked her what she would’ve done if the Turks had been successful. As I thought she would, she said, “I had a backup plan. There were alternative parties that I could have moved my people to. I have made friends with many politcal movers and shakers in Turkey.”

And then she dropped another bombshell: the president of Turkey, BattalGazi, is Onrche. You might remember Onrche from the Netherlands party scandal, where he unsuccessfully tried to take over a party after fleeing from the goons in Turkey, or from the September general elections, when he was allegedly banned for using multiaccounts to vote for him, or from the forums for a week or so afterwards, when a few dozen Turks posted in a topic saying, “I am Onrche, ban me”. This one, BG didn’t deny. “that's right.I messaged to admin that i had wanted account of ‘Ghost of onrche’ to be deleted and had wanted admin to know that i will continue to game with account of ‘Battalgazi.’” When I asked him why his Onrche account was banned, he said, “admins has no reason for my ban.i asked them lots of time.” “Anytime they have been banned, they make new accounts or use other people's's hard to prove, but i have seen things written places that would incriminate them (usually these pieces of information disappear though),” PrincessMedyPi told me.

According to PrincessMediPi, after the mostly failed coups, all talks of peace between the three parties grinded to a halt. Since the inception of v1, every political proposal brought to the table by anyone but MHC has been voted down. BattalGazi said that there weren’t any peace talks, according to him. He’s neither approached nor been approached by any parties other than Cagdas Turkiye Partisi. He argues further that Princess's grain proposal was passed, but the day after my interview with him, a proposal negating hers was passed. She has a proposal up now, apparently attempting a compromise between no import tax, and what she wants, a high import tax for grains.

When I asked her what she saw as her role, being American-born and taken in by the goons in Turkey, she replied that she thought of herself as a mediator between the Turks, Jews, and goons. Married to a native Turk, tekyoldevrim, she thinks of herself as a uniter who can see all angles of the situation without irl or any other bias.

BattalGazi, on the other hand, sees a definite divide in Turkey, and lives thoroughly on one of those sides. Even though he’s president of the nation, he doesn’t pretend to have any connection with either TJU or PDV. It could be taken as blunt honesty or simply bad politics, but either way, he’s not budging. He feels a real disconnect with other parties in Turkey. When I asked him why his party members would run for PP in other parties, he responded, “they ruined our economy with goons.maybe we wanted to obstructive same things.” Although he said ‘we’, he also claims to have no responsibility for the attempted coups: “i can understand i am accused beacuse im president of MHC.I just wrote an article and said my friends that they should vote in midnight.Its beacuse of Fakes of ‘TJU’ party.They might create fake accounts again.... We didnt want to have problems again as you can remember last mayor elections in Beersheba.Beacuse in last mayor election at last minute our votes were 6, their votes were 2 and we lost election 7-6 beacuse of their fakes.” When pressed further, he only said, “i have no involvement TJU.i always write article before elections its not suprising”

When I asked him about partisanship in Turkey, he gaffed, “if they would work for better Turkey we wont have any partisanship problem with them.” And the difference between his party and the others? “we are working for better Turkey.when ABK and TJU was in power they ruined Turkish economy.but as you see when i am president we improve our economy..” Clearly there are some bitter rivalries in Turkey. For the sake of Turkey, I hope that they can unite to become stronger.


princessmedypi: I couldn't play with the americans
they were far too serious...they troll harder than any group i have seen
Emerick: We troll?
princessmedypi: YES!