Big Idea Project: Vote Your Idea!

Day 1,845, 09:33 Published in United Kingdom Norway by Major Lee Hung

So, this is going a little different to how initially planned. I extended the deadline by a few days to encourage maximum participation - tomorrow was supposed to be the final result day - instead, things will be done a little differently instead!

Electing a Winner

I will no doubt will be unable to make a list of winners that respesents the community's views - EVERYBODY has different views and opinions, it makes us unique. Instead it will be you who decides your winner!

It's simple - you select up to four options, and send me your choices in either results or a message. This is how it should be laid out:

"I choose the following as my top four:

4. "

This will allow me to easily update the results, which will be released in 24 hours time! So vote now to have your vote counted.

The Ideas:

Aces Man - "A monthly vote on the forums that elects forum moderator's.

I think it would allow us to move forward and stop the current division between different factions. I would like to see an eUK where we move forwards together as friends. "

Lily Jayne Summers - "Citizen packs.

Everyday, on the forums, a thread will be created offering a certain amount of weapons and food and to get gain that, people have to post their donation link.

*Will provide resources to people who need it and will force people to go on the forums.

*Can be done through public donations or through government funding.

Similar to the NHS in a way,"

Elvis Trout - Community gold loans for upgrading the free training grounds. Even if the loans are defaulted on we get more gold into the system through medals, and the price of gold gets cheaper. Activity checks will be done on all applicants.

John F. Baker - "Bring back the Royal Navy, the state-funded and -organised military for lower-strength citizens. It was a fantastic way to retain an active and involved population, and it gave people that much more reason to stay in the UK, and stay in the game."

Minecrafting Instead -

dante643 - seeing as how the chance of attack is low at the given moment, maybe not renew a few non-necessary MPP's and using the money to sponsor government weapons companies to influence job and weapon markets.

James Scarlet - An E UK war!
I need my TP medals!

InUrFaceChimp - Bring some laborers from 3rd world countries

BigAnt - Join UKPP

gsfdgfs - Lending immigrants the 20 gold they need for a market license to increase tax revenue

Xanthar Zaiban - Have Sir Botham start up cricket again. I remember that from V1... what a blast

I did mention it to him in passing about 6 or 7 months ago.... maybe he forgot?

Lord Lewis Cromwell - I've always said it, eUK needs an ePremiership 😛 Community's always better with a sports and entertainment option! It's more external stuff though so not sure it'd be popular straight away, but I bet loads of our guys would be interested in some form of sporting league tied into eRep.

Danie Fox - Ask other countries if they have any good policies. We can share them around, I'm sure they'll have some we don't and vice-versa. We could arrange IRC meetings between equivalent ministers from our country and from abroad, for example BetaFoxTrot, Dalze and SloLegend (Ministers of Education from similar size countries).

Don Dapper - A Christmas raffle , make 3 people rich this hoilday season using some of the reserve prizes to be decided but at least 100 gold for the winner and lowering the prizes.

Jamie2721 - Congress pull their gold together and let them vote to where it goes

When voting, please remember to keep unbiased. This is for the benefit of the eUK!

Voting Ends tomorrow. If your idea is missing from the list, please contact me ASAP and I'll make sure to add it.

Please vote! 😃 Look out next week for the next Big Project Idea event.