Bid for re-election in KS, & My Solution for Atlantis...

Day 423, 14:59 Published in USA USA by Ansen

The media is being flooded with people announcing their various congressional campaigns, so I'm sure the last thing you want to read through is yet another one. I've got to announce at some point, however, so it might as well be now. I am indeed running for re-election in my home state of Kansas, as a part of the UCP.

Instead of making you read it here, if you're interested in my platform...just visit my campaign website:

Now, instead of just spamming the media with things like "LULZ VOTE FOR MEEEE PLZ!!!" over the next week or so, I think it would be much more useful if I discussed my views on the various issues that are currently impacting the eUS. This should accomplish the dual purpose of explaining why I feel that I am a good choice for Kansans' representation in Congress, but also to further discussion on these issues with American citizens at large.

These topics are all a part of my platform, but will be fleshed out in more detail here.

Today's topic is...ATLANTIS.

The Problem

Atlantis is crumbling. There is no pretty way around this fact. Peace won the war in France, they liberated Germany, Iran is taking over China and India, Indonesia has pressed into Argentina, and all the while America is sitting around doing nothing. America is one of the only world powers that hasn't expanded their borders in some way. This isn't necessarily a bad thing in and of itself, but what is bad is that because everyone else is growing and we're remaining stagnant, we're falling behind.

Atlantis is no longer an alliance of countries with the same goals and ideals. They exist for the sole reason of opposing PEACE, which, in my opinion, is not a good enough reason by itself. Romania has gone and attacked Russia, an independent nation that did nothing to provoke them. These actions should not be tolerated, but the US is indirectly endorsing them by being in the same alliance. Many of the other nations in the alliance have a very apathetic feel to them.

The Solution

Now, I understand that that criticizing something without offering a solution is not helpful. Here is what I believe we should do.

STEP 1: First off, the eUS should withdraw from Atlantis. This should be done because of all of the problems I've detailed above. As a recap, here are the key reasons why I believe this is the right choice:

1) Atlantis has no clear ideology other than existing for the sake of opposing Peace.
2) Because of reason #1, the agendas and ideologies of Atlantis' member nations do not align well.
3) This has lead to horrible communication and a lack of unity, which means Atlantis can no longer function in an efficient manner.

STEP 2: Instead of creating a new alliance, we should decide with whom to ally and form MPP's on a country by country basis. Reasons for this:

1) A new alliance, no matter how well intentioned, will eventully turn into the beaurocratic mess that Atlantis currently is.
2) We have more control over who we are friends with.
3) We can focus primarily on what is best for our nation, rather than what is best for an alliance that doesn't even get along all the time anyway.

STEP 3: MPP's should be signed not only with pre-existing friends like Canada or Great Britain, but with small countries who are under the threat of attack, such as India, China, Russia, etc. Why? "Reason" time!

1) We will be preventing other world powers such as Indonesia and Iran from spreading their borders further.
2) We will be benefiting ourselves by being able to increase the wellness and xp earning of American citizens through fighting as an MPP from the comfort of our own country.
3) We will be upholding and defending the American ideal of liberty and justice for ALL.

When possible, I would also want to see the eUS involved in restoring the independence of conquered countries such Israel or Greece, but that is a different discussion.

SUMMARY: Atlantis is falling apart, and no longer of any practical use to the eUS. We should withdraw, and form alliances on a country by country basis, which would allow for more control over what we want to accomplish as a nation. MPP's should be signed with pre-existing friends as well as countries in danger of losing their independence, both to allow Americans to fight and gain wellness/xp, and to keep rival powers at bay geographically.

I will continue releasing articles with my opinions on America's major issues until the congressional elections. I feel that I have served a successful first term in office, and have much more to offer Kansas, and America as a whole.

NEXT TOPIC: The American Economy