Bibo ergo sum

Day 2,167, 13:51 Published in Denmark Sweden by Rune Larsen

Writen friday 25/10

I'm returning to the scene of the last article, Sprutten in Aalborg, to write this next article 😃

I'm in a good mood for tonights destruction of my liver.

Let's begin!

After a few beers (3-4) I feel ready to take on the first subject:

1. Reasons to become active in the community:
Oh my god... the reason to become active in the eDanish community is to support eDenmark ofcourse.
I've been a part of the eDanish community for some time, but I've never been "active"...
To be active in my head, you have to join the forum,, and join in the discussion.
To get more people active in eDenmark, I think we need to unite, not just the danish players, but also the other players living in eDenmark. We already have more eDanish players with a real life nationality other than danish, doing great things for eDenmark.

2. How to get eDenmark back:
I think first we need to find a powerful ally, and at the same time we need to get more eCitizens interested in joining the eDanish community... I'm thinking about the eSwedes who're also without a country and who we've been a part of before.
But the matter of getting eDenmark back, won't be easy and if we get it back, we need to protect ourself against the PTO.
Trust me... The PTO squads will come!!!
I've seen it before!

3. Reasons to keep playing erepublik:
I've quit 5 times now I think... But I always return, but I really don't know why 😛

I would say that one reason to keep playing, is not letting the community down...
Not taking the easy way out, by just leaving the game!

After I returned to erep, I've found my mission, I want to return eDenmark to danish hands!
Also I want POWAH!!!! I want to rule over all the mortals who live i eDenmark!!!

I need unnamed minions/henchmen for my future takeover of the world...

So if you want to be a minion/henchman, please apply in this article and I will return with your orders >😃

Hail Hydra!

Best regards
Rune Larsen

For stente only:

Bibo ergo sum = I drink, therefore I am