Benelux Party - Congress Election Results

Day 737, 11:22 Published in Belgium Netherlands by Hugo Lilly

On behalf of the Benelux Party, I want to extend a thank-you to all the voters that supported us in the elections yesterday. The Benelux Party now holds 5 out of 20 seats in Congress. Although this is far from a majority, I am still confident that we are on our way to freeing ourselves from the military and political occupation by The Group.

Percentage-wise, we hold less seats than we did in the last election. This can be attributed to the fact that The Group was able to hand out more citizenship approvals to Romanians, and we had less votes from Belgian supporters. Last election we received 265 out of 583 friendly votes, this election we were only able to get 97 out of 287 votes. Yes, LESS people voted in the previous election than the recent one.

This is a war of attrition, friends. It is a contest of who wants eBelgium more, and whose willpower will weaken first.

Stay strong in your resolve, and one day we will see Belgium free again!