Belgian chocolates for breakfast and no more Winston? Christmas came early [UK]

Day 760, 01:58 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Mahlak Dependus

December 18th 2009

Editorial Note ~ Christmas Came Early

My Christmas has been well and truly made.Winston is out of the UKRP and we won the battle for Brussels. The UK-United Netherlands merger is now a reality. It won't be long before we stand shoulder to shoulder with our Dutch brothers.

Don't Stop Believing - Journey ~ Background Music

Bye Winston!

It's official. Winston L.S. Churchill has been ousted from the United Kingdom Reform Party and replaced with the wonderful Raziel Darkheart. To top it off, a result came from a ticket I submitted to the admins on election night. Winston (who I'm going to start referring to as Ajay Bruno again) got very upset and frustrated on the election day which led to him losing his cool and sending me some very abusive messages. Needless to say, I submitted them to the Admin team as did many other members of the British public and he was slapped with a temporary suspension. Two sterling victories over Ajay Bruno for the good of the UK.

Forget maple syrup, Belgian chocolate is our new cash crop!

To polish off a rather hectic few days, we were also victorious in Belgium at Brussels. Our increasingly organised military in coordination with UNL, French, Bosnian and Serbian soldiers managed to overcome the combined efforts of the USA, Greece, Romania, the Romanian PTO'ers The Group, SEAL Team 6 and a number of other prominent EDEN nations including our favourite enemies, the pig disgusting Swedes. Thanks to the other important battles going on around the world, the damage left to spare on EDEN's side was negligible and allowed us to secure a comfortable victory. This marks an end to Belgian occupation by The Group and hopefully signals the beginning of discussions to initiate the merger between the UK and the United Netherlands.

The only question remaining is, provided the merger goes ahead without a hitch (rea😛 as long as the Americans and Romanians don't interfere again), what will the UK do next? Sure there are a load of battles going on around the world but we need something to maintain activity here in the UK. Leave a comment below suggesting what you think we should be doing. Hey, you never know, you might just come up with our next master plan.

It's been a while since I did newspaper plugs so I'll do 4 today:

1. The ramblings of a nobody ~ Written by jamesw. He writes personal accounts of the happenings in the UK and is a fellow anti-Ajay protester.

2. Tall_niki_News ~ Written by Tall_niki. A very in-depth battle stats report. Similar to From The Shelf by Bogdan_L, who I have mentioned before.

3. The Spectacle ~Written by Matt Smidley. Our very own war reporter. He has reported on our last three successful battles, respectively: NorthJellyLand, Flanders & Brussels. His articles usually link to a YouTube video of the last half an hour or so of the battles and sometimes videos of a Navy strike, which always looks awesome with our coordinated avatars.

4. Fresh off the Print ~ Written by UK's finest. A very helpful paper for newer players but also a good recruiter for fresh soldiers. He also occasionally write personal accounts of current events.

If you'd like your newspaper plugged her, just send me a PM with a link to your paper as well as a short snippet about what you write about.

I feel like I should take this section out because something always happens before the next issue that I end up covering which means the original "Next Issue" segment gets pushed back on my schedule. I may remove it by the next article. We'll see.

Until next time, thanks for reading. Please vote and subscribe. 🙂

Written and Edited by Mahlak Dependus