Beginners Luck! Irashi for Tibet - March Congress Platform

Day 851, 12:46 Published in USA USA by Irashi

Don't the first one's always suck?

Alright, so this shall be my first article, how embarrassing.
None the less, this is a very important thing to me, and I decided I would give it a shot.

Running for Congress for his first time.. Irashi in Tibet for the month of March!
Aye it may sound childish about now, but it's my first, and let's all be supportive!

From the start..
When I first joined eRepublik I was assisted by one of my friends who had invited me to the game. Thinking about the possibilities that the game had open to the public, I was immediately captured by its awe, and began to play. After the days had passed I began to hear things about "two-clickers", and swore that I wasn't going to become one. With that said, I logged onto IRC only to find a massive amount of people online. Whilst being in #usa-chat many helpful people came to help me find exactly what I was looking for. Being redirected into State at first, I grew my way up to becoming the Citizen Task Force Director which worked directly under the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization. Eventually that ended, and I decided to pursue a military career, thus where I am today standing in the Training Corps Officers ranks as a 2nd Lieutenant, and CO of the 114th Platoon.

Party Affairs
While all of that was going on I was bound to the AAP party during Emmanuel Cruises' run for the Party President. Once he won the elections, I was appointed the Director of External Affairs Director, by EC himself. Again, that also eventually faded away like many other things, but don't they all?

To sum it up, I believe I'm indeed qualified to be able to run a term in Congress, and for that I'll need the help of many voters out there who're willing to take the chance and believe in my abilities.

My Belief..
.. as to why I should run in Congress in quite simple. Two things actually:

1) Being in the Military doesn't satisfy me enough in the sense that I can be doing more for my eCountry than just fighting my way through and following orders. I believe that being in Congress can help in a much bigger way.. over time.. depending on what is resolved. To clarify, I'm not stating that the Military is inferior to Congress, simply that it has a completely different role, and is just as important like all the other branches.
2) To me, becoming a Congressman is just another title. That said, I also believe that I can use that title to represent the eUS in a positive light, both at home and abroad.

The slight disposition with the idea that the eUSA's military can fund itself is absurd. We need as much help as we can get just as our allies need our help. How does one go about doing that if our most valuable essential cannot be used caused by the factor of being unprepared. I for one agree that the military needs its funding, if not the most, in the eUSA. Without the military and its men and women the eUSA would be helpless and worth nothing to our EDEN allies, whom of which need our strength in complice with theirs to acheive alliance goals.

If only we had this much gold per person..

We have a slight issue. That being that the admins are releasing a Version 2 acompanied with a new economic module, and it is around the corner into being implemented onto our servers, and we'll soon have to be getting acustomed to a new way to manage our money, gold, etc. With the mention of diamonds being replaced with titanium, I'm sure half of our countries leaders are already scheduling a mass idea into taking one of these new territories. It's required if we plan to be a stable government with enough cash to deal the goods.

I don't know what this means, I just put it here.

Hospital Insurance
It's not really an insurance, but as I'm sure everybody knows now that the hospitals have been nerfed into the worst possible matter Admin can think of. I won't promise bags of goodies and such to everyone who needs wellness, but I will do everything I can in my ability to help those who request it. I'm sure most of the leaders in the game are making a fuss about this hospital dilemma, and are trying their best to reverse the admins decisions. All in due time.

Contact Information
You would be most likely to find me anywhere on IRC bearing the username Irashi. Feel free to send me any questions in-game by PM, or online through a query. I'm usually always available unless I have an away tag or something similar besides my username. You can also leave me a comment, and I'll make sure to come back to respond to it as soon as possible.

Now for the endorsements..

More shall be added as soon as I get replies from some party presidents.
Thank you for reading my Congress candidate platform, and I wish everyone the best of luck during the elections on the 25.