Become eJapanese or leave eJapan!

Day 1,909, 11:46 Published in Japan South Korea by Akiyama Sairei
Festival News~

As it is known to us all, the eSerbians have been travelling to eJapan and adquiring eJapanese citizenship, regardless their interests in (what it is supposed to be) our beloved Rising Sun nation.

Edit 2: Evidence thanks to Hourai.

We, eJapanese citizens, have been through many, many problems coexisting with them, I could dare to say, since the Sakurakai Party PTO (which was supported by Geezus -I searched for the comment where he textually says that he does, but did not find it- though this is not the point) and continued until the day in which an eSerbian was elected as Country President.

"The Sakurakai PTO marked a before and after in our party politics."

Our country territory has been in danger since the conquering of eRepublic of China, eTaiwan. Now, our very country population is endangered by the rising eSerbian population amongst us.

I will go through it directly:

The main problem is that the eSerbians claim theirselves to be eSerbians even though they acquired eJapanese Citizenship. In this way, they make it seem that they are not part of eJapan, but foreigners with legal rights throughout their citizenship country, which is, actually, eJapan.

Some examples of what I'm saying:

-eSerbian Political Party in eJapan:

With eSerbian avatars, indeed. Proven once more: they are eSerbians in eJapan, not trying or inteding to integrate with us.

-eSerbians with eJapanese citizenship and eSerbian flags in their avatars:

Is it really neccessary to say anything else about? No, right?

How can you eSerbian people not make us feel uncomfortable with you pretending to be eSerbians with fully eJapanese rights? You are making yourself look like conquerors, comming to eJapan to CTO -Completely Take Over- and dominate our country. It does not even matter if you really want to "help" us. We, in SOS party, have been talking much about this too -and not only here and us-, and this is what we finally came with.

Though some of you might do something good for us, there are some others with their own purposes, as can be proven here:

Edit 1: Thanks to Sanoyel Doenza (johndoe) for this information.

To finish this article, I would like to talk about myself, because I never had. Nobody along eJapan knows about my past. So, I will tell you people some:
My name was Jsim, I was born in eSpain. I was once member of PON (Otaku Nippon Party), though I was just a 2-clicker, and not getting involved in politics (nothing) at all.

I was not born in eJapan...
I was once considered as foreigner when I first came here...
But what I did right was...
... that I started considering myself as a eJapanese citizen, and started looking at my fellow eJapanese citizens, as brothers.
Even though I was not born in this country, I'm now a real eJapanese. And so YOU can be, as well.

I personally make a call throughout our nation, to those of the people who claim to be eSerbians with eJapanese citizanship who has ears and hear:

If you are going to be eJapanese, stop being eSerbians.
-Change your avatars into something more adequate to an eJapanese citizenship.
-Stop writing and talking in other languages, except of English and Japanese.
-Start living as real eJapanese citizens, as I did myself in the past.

Accept these conditions, or leave the country. We do not need foreign help to rise ourselves into the glory.


Festival News~