Become a member of an international congress! Join and vote for U.I.!

Day 577, 11:23 Published in Ukraine Hungary by Amusset

Dear citizens of eUkraine!

Dear commenters of my first article!

Ukraine International is not a puppet party of Romania, nor it is romanian propaganda, what we are saying. These are just facts! Nothing else!

Why do we have to suffer under a hungarian leadership when we aren't all hungarians?
Our main goal is - as I already mentioned - to create an INTERNATIONAL congress and an INTERNATIONAL government with ukrainian, romanian, croatian, scandinavian, germanian (etc. whoever lives here) people.

Say stop to hungarian puppet government!
Join in and vote for Ukraine International!

President of Ukraine International

Do you want to be a congressman?
We want an international Ukraine!
Join Ukraine International!
Iron Income 10% and free Ukraine without Peace.
Please vote for us and our candidates!