Bear Cavalry; The Hatch episode 2

Day 1,950, 19:05 Published in USA USA by Silas Soule

This is SNeN, the Socialist News and Entertainment Network!

Dear long-time subscribers of The Lion's Roar (and before that, Spectacular Times), please note that this newspaper is once again transforming.

It is a retro celebration of the spirit of the long-gone but never-forgotten freewheeling leftie press of the formidable Socialist Freedom Party: the Socialist Freedom Press.

It is also a reinvention of the Freedom Writers movement, a cross-party initiative to get some feeling and free-thinking bouncing around in the American media.

That means it will carry signed articles from (hopefully) a variety of writers who are members, friends, acquaintances or perhaps critics of America's favorite wacky band of commies, anarcho-syndicalists and whatnot, the ever-loving SFP.

And of course this rag will also continue to carry, from time to time, various creative ramblings of undeterminate quality and dubious provenance produced by yours truly, P. Quinn.

The logo selected for this new endeavor is that pugilistic proletarian hero, martial arts icon Bruce Lee ensconced within a version of the SFP's canonical frame:

Some of Master Lee's words seem to capture something of the punchy character of the Socialist-Freedom movement in eRep. See for yourself...

“Absorb what is useful, discard what is not, add what is uniquely your own.”

“Real living is living for others.”

“Man, the living creature, the creating individual, is always more important than any established style or system.”

Right. So, without any further ado, let's get on with the show!

For the first edition of SNeN, there's a bit of News, followed by a tad of entertainment. I hope you enjoy it!

These Bears don't play!
What is the Bear Cavalry?

by Lawlz911, President of the Socialist Freedom Party and Chair of the Revolutionary Committee

The SFP Bear Cavalry is a MU sponsored by the SFP.

The Bear Calvary acts as a strong arm in helping keep the eUS defended but also keeping other nations liberated from any imperialist aggression! The Bear Cavalry is an open-ended MU, open to anyone who supports the cause of ensuring Freedom and Liberty not only for the homeland but on an international level!

That sounds like every other MU though..

The Bear Cavalry is open ended. Membership is open to anyone who supports of the cause promoted by the SFP of ensuring the soverignty of a nation by its own people.

RAWR! Help to ensure that all imperialist aggression is kept contained so that nations can prosper without having to kowtow to a much bigger enemy. The Bear Cavalry is an army of comrades of any background, who are willing to fight for the little guy in keeping themselves free in this eWorld. We fight to keep the eUS national lands free from any form of invasion from foreign enemies, but we also openly hand our support to other nations who need aid in their Wars for Liberation.

We openly support anyone who finds this cause a just one, and we are a supportive MU! We push for comradery amongst one another so that every comrade in our MU knows there is a friend standing beside them on the battlefield. We do not shy away from a fight! Fight to the Last Stand we say!

(Yes, the Bear Cavalry really does ride bears into battle!!)

This all sounds interesting, where can I sign up and take a stand?

For anyone interested in being brave, join our ranks! In a world full of conflict, be a Comrade, join the Bear Cavalry!!

Naturally, being part of the socialist-freedom movement, we have communes in which we strongly encourage for every member to take part in. For more info about the Bear Cavalry communes, please contact the Bear Cavalry Commander, TheNorm.

See you on the battlefield, comrades!

Ursa Fi!!

And now for a bit of entertainment...

Live Sharp Look Smart

The following is Episode #2 of The Hatch, an experimental collective eRep movie project. See: Episode One.

Please feel free to continue the storyline in your own papers or in your own mind. This is your movie!

My Favorite Game, part two
by Phoenix Quinn

Petofi had a reputation for being wild. She was spotted from time to time smoking two cigarettes at once on obscure streets in Jamaica Plain.

She was small and wiry, her face triangular, with flirty-smirky Filipina-style eyes. A portrait in the dining-room of her house shows an elfish girl with pointed ears, curly red hair, butterfly lips as in a Rosetti, and an expression of good-natured superiority, with an aloofness which is so calm that it disturbs no one.

Big Mouth Strikes Again

Sandormaria and Petofi sat one night on someone's stoop in the South End, two post-Stalinists, delighting in their deconstructed dialectic, which was a disguise for love. It was furious talk, the talk of girls who know how good it is not to be alone.

"Petofi, I know you hate this kind of question, but if you'd care to make an off-hand statement, it would be appreciated. To your knowledge, that is, the extent of your information, is there anyone in this New World who approaches the dullness of the Unity Authorities?"

"Ronald Gipper Reagan?"

"Petofi, do you honestly submit that Ajay Reagan, who, as the eWorld knows, is not exactly the Messiah or even a minor messenger of the Redemption, do you seriously suggest that R.G.R., doyenne of the A.F.A., challenges the utter and complete boringness of our national leaders?"

"I do, Sandormaria, I do."

"I suppose you have your reasons, Petofi."

"I do, Sandormaria, you know I do."

There were once giants upon this eRep earth.

They swore to never be fooled by desperate nationalistic appeals, screen love scenes, the Red Menace, New Age Tibetan Buddhists from California or The New York Times.

Giants in unmarked virtual graves.

All right, they agree, it's fine that militias don't starve, that ATO epidemics are controlled, that the classics are available as comics, but what about the corny old verities: truth and fun?

Fashion models were not their idea of grace. Bombs and bazookas not their idea of power. Alliance with Poland not their idea of Service to Dio.

"What do you think it's like to drown, Petofi?"

"You're supposed to black out after you take ina fairly small amount of water."

"How much, Petofi?"

"You're supposed ot be able to drown in a bathtub."

"In a glass of water, Petofi."

"In a damp rag, Sandormaria."

"In a moist Kleenex. Hey, Petofi, that would be a great way to kill a guy, with water. You get the guy and use an eyedropper on him, a squirt at a time. They find him drowned in his study. Big mystery."

"Wouldn't work, Sandormaria. How would you hold him still? There'd be bruise marks or rope marks on him."

"But if it could work. They find the guy slumped over his desk and nobody knows how he died. Coroner's inquest: death by drowning. And he hasn't been to the sea-shore in ten years."

Ten thousand conversations. Santormaria remembers about eight thousand of them. Peculiarities, horrors, wonders. They are still having them. As they grow older, the horrors become mental, the peculiarities sexual, the wonders religious.

Paradoxes, bafflements, problems disssolved in the fascinating dialectic.

Whoosh, there was nothing that couldn't be done.

Comrades and toiling masses: your comments are welcome!