Be Brave Washington!

Day 605, 10:31 Published in USA USA by Dania

While we hoped it would never happen, the wolves are at our door. Russian boots are at our shores in the Puget Sound, they have a landing at the mouth of the Columbia River in the south, and land troops have pushed to the outskirts of Bellingham from the north. But do not give up hope! This is eAmerica.. we don't give up that easy!

First and most important Washingtonian's - if you have not done so already, acquire a moving ticket and get to one of our country's Q5 hospitals - New Jersey, Florida, or Kansas. This move will keep you safe and allow you to fight and heal with +50 wellness in the hospital rather than the +20 wellness you would receive from our WA facility. If you cannot afford a moving ticket, you may be able to get some assistance from private individuals or the government.

Secondly, while it is tempting to jump into battle for our beloved home state, follow the orders given by those in command and fight where they instruct. If they ask you to fight in Canada rather than Washington do so with the understanding there are more complex strategic plans in place than we know about.

Once you understand your orders, fight hard and fight smart! That link takes you to a good explanation of how to do that if you are not well versed in the art of combat. If there is any way you can afford it, I strongly encourage you to buy Q1 weapons before each fight. It provides a DRAMATIC increase to your damage output.

Last and perhaps most important, know in your heart that even if we have a short term loss in our state, eventually we WILL prevail. We WILL continue to live proudly on our native soil. We WILL defeat these hostile invaders!

With great respect,
Congresswoman for Washington

“You can't be brave if you've only had wonderful things happen to you.” --Mary Tyler Moore
