Battle Orders - Listen to DoD Orders

Day 621, 14:40 Published in USA USA by Chris Willson

I have been ordered by a high government official to stop publishing orders. I am happy that the DoD is using the system that I've implemented and hope that they continue to give out orders in this way. It's the kind of change we needed.

I would encourage them to give reasons for fighting where they order and to educate the population more on the battle module. I have gotten countless PMs saying how much they appreciated the details that I put in my articles, it really educated them.

Here are the DoD orders: DoD Orders August 2

I'm sorry that it has come down to this, it was a nice couple of days giving out orders. My last article got 1000 votes so thank you for that. It was a pleasure serving the eUS even if it was for a short period of time.

- Chris Willson, Proud eUS Citizen and Proud eUS Marine