Battle orders for Day 884/885

Day 884, 06:56 Published in Denmark Denmark by Danish Ministry of Defence
Battle Orders for citizens" height="700" />

Fight in Hwangae Training War

If you are Dane and you're not living in Hovedstaden, contact us to get free moving tickets!

Every company stationed in Denmark, please contact Bank of Denmark. We want to help our companies to sell their products and continue working.

Bank will buy your products on market for reasonable price, and will help your company to continue working giving you advices and small loans to increase your production and profit.

All you have to do is to contact us here:

Bank of Denmark

Denmark need to improve it's economy! If you want to help, please buy products from our own market, and buy weapons to inrease your military rank!

Donate here to help Danish army!
Danish Ministry of Defence

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Minister of Defence [Pered] and Vice Minister of Defence [Toxic Hunter]