Battle Orders 7/9/2012

Day 1,693, 20:14 Published in Saudi Arabia Israel by Venrick von Lucia

Today as i write this article, the only possible battle for the Daily order is the Republic of China (Taiwan) in Chungcheongbuk-do. We have a MPP with them so feel free to fight there for your 25 kills in the daily order. also if you think you can get a Battle hero medal there then give it your best shot. But i advise the majority of people that have already completed daily orders and gotten a bazooka and an energy bar to just save your strength.

We will have some real battles soon. you can support a battle in Al Jawf at this point and that would be a fine place to fight. it will keep pressure on Israel to make peace with us. so when that battle happens (probably some time tomorrow), give it all you can.

The time has come for us to take back territory, and the harder we fight, the more our neighbors will want to bargain with us, even though we are small. We may be few in number but we are strong in spirit. Lets show our occupiers that we mean business!