Battle of LK

Day 916, 19:21 Published in Canada Canada by KyleDr

As he looked around the room, Goran Thrax, realized this was it. This could be the biggest battle some of these men will ever fight in. This battle could define history. Thoughts raced through his mind. As the clock came closer and closer to 1900, strike time, the men looked nervous and uneasy. He knew what he had to do. He gave the speech of champions, the speech that you give before the Stanley Cup Final Game 7 before the 3rd period, the speech that you give before going out and leaving your mark on this worl😛

This is one of the most important battles we have faced in months my friends, Tonight we embark on yet another massive assault against our longtime foes. You hold in your hands our best weapons for the task, but they are but tools, your hearts and minds are the true weapons of this war. your dedication, your faultless courage, they are the only bulwark we have against the aggression of our enemies. Fortify yourselves my friends,for tonight we step into history!

Yet, even as the seconds ticked away to drop time. The CAF suppliers, the silent heroes of this military worked tirelessly to make sure our men were ready to blow some $^*#ing heads off. And dam well did they get some! From all CAF Personnel, thank you suppliers

The Battle may have just begun, yet already the tales of heroism and courage as the members of Canada's Armed Forces dropped onto unsuspecting Serbs occupying our Chinese Brothers land. They fought proud and hard, and they left their mark. This is a battle the Serbs will not forget.