Battle guide

Day 1,301, 07:09 Published in Croatia Philippines by Nuclear tasos maximous

Hello dear allies. First of all I would like to thank you for your hospitality. This is a battle guide for new players so they can easily understand the war module. Vote it if you like it.

In erepublik we have 2 kinds of wars the normal battles and the resistance wars. The main difference between these wars is that in normal battles allies can fight without moving via mpp but in the resistance wars only the 2 countries that are involved can fight. If any one wants to join this battle must move to one of his two countries.

The first thing we have to do is to select a battle

If we want to join a resistance war first we have to choose a battle

Then we choose a side

After doing all these the process is the same as the one I will describe to you now.

When we choose a battle we see this picture

In this picture you can see yourself and the opponent every time we want to fight we must press the fight button (is the big red in the middle) . In this point I have to tell you that every time fight button is pressed you gain 1 xp but you loose 10 wellness which you can replace with food (this is that what we call food fights). Also when you fight you gain 10% of your damage in rank points. When your country is involved in a war with natural enemy you gain 10% more in influence .

Every single day you can replace an very specific amount of foods like an example if you have Q5 Town Center you can replace up to 500 wellness.

This is

250 Q1 food

125 Q2 food

83 Q3 food

63 Q4 food

50 Q5 food

In this game we also have another kind of fights the gold fight. This kind of fights can be achieved by using gold for wellness pack. Every single time we press this button

we loose 0.5 gold but we can fight 1 more time. Gold fights are at unlimited

If you want to make more damage you should use weapons when you fight.
There are 5 qualities of weapons.

Q1 it has one use and you can do 20% more dmg than without weapon

Q2 it has two uses and you can do 40% more dmg than without weapon

Q3 it has three uses and you can do 60% more dmg than without weapon

Q4 it has four uses and you can do80% more dmg than without weapon

Q5 has five uses and you can do 100%more dmg than without weapon

When you fiht you can win two kinds of medals which they give you 5 gold

battle hero


Campaign hero

The first can be achieved by doing the biggest influence in a mini battle

The second can be achieved by doing the biggest damage in the campaign

I hope you enjoy reading and sorry for they English