Basics Tutorial for War + Suplying couple of food

Day 1,057, 07:15 Published in Belgium Belgium by Glenn Wauters

As I read some comments in my previous article, i noticed that most of you have ZERO experience in the militairy module

Thats why I write this very basics tutorial
Remember, since a lot of you are having troubles I will post this article soon and just keep updating it with less important updates
Examples are written in italic

1. Health
It is very important to know how to fight, but it is even more important when to know when to stop to fight
Never fight more then you have health
Each battle consumes 10 health, no matter what damage you do
So basic you can fight to 20 health, but you have to buy food then to raise it back up

RULE 1: Never fight if you dont have the money OR the food to fight and heal back up

Player A has 100 health and fights 3 times, he is down to 70 health, he buys enough food on the food market to get back to 100 (wich means 15xQ1, 7,5(😎xQ2,...)
He uses his food and is back up to 100 health

Food limit Keep in mind that there is a food limit, you can heal max 300 health with food
Player B has healed himself up already for 300 health and fights again, he loses 10 health wich can only be recuperated by using Health kits (0.5gold/use)

2. Battlefield
When you go to the battlefield you will see two bars on top, this is how the battle is going, when the bar is over 50% for one side, that side is winning
Under the blue and red bar you see names with numbers
These are players fighting for a side and the numbers represent the amount of "influence" they have done
Under the main countries flags you can see some kind of "crown", these "crowns" represent the amount of fights a side has won in a battle
A country has to win 8 fights to win the battle, each fight takes 2 hours
The players from each side with the highest influence are shown in the corners under the flags
These players will receive a battlehero medal when they stay in that position untill the end of this fight (min 8 BH for each side per battle)
Under the number of influence of the BH on the left you see your own influence

Next you see is your own avatar and name with your health bar
You fight in fake pvp, why fake pvp? Simple, because the enemy isnt fighting back, the enemy wont even notice you defeated him, because he wnot lose a single health
Anyway, in my screen I got an opponent that was already weakened, you see that we arent carrying weapons, you see however the shadows of the weapons we have the best skill in
When equiping a weapon you will do more damage

You will only give influence to the battle when you defeat your opponent, so if you are low on health and can only fight one more time against a full health player, then dont as it will be a wasted 10 health

You have a food button you can press on when you have food in your inventory, next to it is the health kit (0.5g/use), wich is totally not adviced to use
Then you have the pretty self-explaining fight-button, and on the right you have the so called, noobtube, in exchange for paying one gold, you will blast your opponent away in one shot

I will supply some people who are in big difficulties a Q2 food, its not much, but its something
I hope the Belgian governement can also look into this and supply people who are way down the health meter