Basic guide for newbies

Day 548, 10:33 Published in Canada Peru by Sexin

So I've been in the New World for about 10 days now and here is a basic guide on how I believe you can live long and prosper.

1. Make sure you work every day and in the same field. Get your work experience up quickly and then upgrading to make more money. Pretty basic but I failed to do that and it set me back a bit. Stay away from q2-5 (2-5 star) companies as they take more wellness to work at. Working each day earns you 1 experience point.

2. Do *not* let your wellness dip below 40. This will cause you some problems when it comes time to fight. You'll have to take time off from work, not train (which I'll get to in a second) and it'll set you back a few days (depending on how low you dip).

3. Train as much as possible. This will increase your damage ability for when you are able to fight in a war. Each fight in a war earns you 2 experience points. Training each day earns you 1 experience point.

4. Ensure you have enough food to eat each day! Start with Q1 foods and when you start making enough to afford Q2 foods, switch to that. This is because training and working each cost 1 wellness point to perform. Q2 foods will offset that.

5. Fight!!!! Fight as much as possible. You can only fight if your wellness is above 40. You lose 10 wellness points per fight but worry not! Once you dip below 40, you can visit the hospital in your region to get back over 40 but beware, you can only do this once per day. Do not let it slip below 40 a second time in a day. Once you become a more experienced player, you'll be able to manage this a whole lot better.

6. Buy a house when you can afford it. Probably once you reach level 6 and receive 5 gold. I believe a Q1 house goes for 2.5 gold (or there abouts). Shop around as there are always deals to be had. To see what kind of effect a house has on your wellness, use this calculator.

7. Read the eRepublik wiki and forums. They're a great source of information.

8. Vote for Sir DeLaShaunRon Smith because he is totally awesome.

I think that's it for now. If anyone else has something to add, please don't be shy. I've only been playing for 10 days and these are the tips that would have been useful to me from the start.

You don't double dip. You dip the chip and you end it!