Barriers to Entry

Day 805, 17:17 Published in Australia Canada by Hamiltenor

I know it's been said before, but keeping new citizens interested is a bit of a challenge. While explaining the premise behind unlocking abilities and certain aspects of the game at later levels, I realize they have little incentive to try and get there, save for my "menial level" argument. They know nothing of the wiki, forums, newspapers, and the oportunities availible at higher levels. In my opinoin, new citizens souldn't have to work toward unlocking everything, there should be enough to keep them interested from the begining. I fell prey to this at first and forgot about the site because the learning curve is so steep, then it imediately flattens out.

..and that's just boring

I read somewhere that people don't read/watch the news to stay informed, they do so to have their opinoins flattered. So by that logic I should write about the things that everyone's already thinking about, and then get my Media Mogul trophy.