Barbarians At The Gates of Israel

Day 727, 15:19 Published in Greece Israel by Hyman Roth

An Open Letter to Our Greek Friends

As the world has now witnessed, Israel is under attack form both foreign and domestic forces. Our President, JmatH, has sabotaged our attempt to rebuild from the tragic failures of Israeli's original traitor, Sadeh Badeh. JmatH, like his silent partner Sadeh before him, has stolen our treasury and propagated a was of succession with Turkey. It is possible that we will lose three of our precious five regions before we have the chance to Impeach him.

I write to you in no official capacity. I hold the title of UZSP Party President, and former Minister of Immigration. But today, I simply write to you as an Israeli in need of your help. I have reached out to your kind and understanding President, and hope only that as our neighbor and strong ally, you will stand by us in our time of need,

Yet, Turkish aggression and Presidential deception is but the first battle in what stands to be a long war for Israel. Sadeh Badeh waits in the wings, promising that in the midst of this chaos, armed with guns and gold, he will, "Take over the country, and there is nothing (we) can do about it." This stands to be equally, if not more damaging, spiraling Israel into the grasp of PEACE hands and dishonest leadership.

Our Greek brothers, however you can help us in our time of need would be vital. Come and help us fight from within - both the barbarians on our borders and the rats within that hope to sieze control. Or from your beautiful nation, pledge your support, and promise our nation that Sadeh Badeh and his PEACE/Turkish cronies regaining power is something you, as our proud neighbor, will NOT stand for.

Our gratitude is eternal.

Hyman Roth
An eIsraeli Citizen in Need