Ballman for AAP President

Day 747, 10:59 Published in USA USA by Ballman
Hello fellow AAP members!

My name is Ballman, and I am running for the office of Party President of America's Advancement Party. Now, you may be asking yourself "Who is this guy?" or "Why should I vote for him?". So let me give you a little information on both.

I was born on Day 548, a little more than 6 months ago on a warm May day. The eWorld was a different place then, a place that was still recuperating from the fall of a major alliance (ATLANTIS) and where we Americans thought we couldn't, and could never be, touched. How wrong we were, but that is a story for another time. I have been a member of the AAP since level 7, approximately 6 months. Ever since breaking out of my 2-click stupor (around mid-July), I have been incredibly active within the AAP. I was and still am a constant presence on our IRC channel #aap_party and our forums, the new ones more so than the old ones. I have run for congress 3 times officially, however the first one was a noob run so I don't like to count it. Obviously I have never won, a quick look at my medals confirms that, all you'll see are the medals of the active (5 HW, 2 SS). I have also been behind the scenes on all of the congressional elections the past 3 months, coordinating our mobile voting along with other party leaders. These experiences have taught me many things, and to be honest I came out of the 25th of November certain that I would be running for congress this upcoming election. However, after getting a little more active than I was and talking with other party leaders, I have decided to run for what I consider a more prestigious and valuable position.

Liberty Prime is going to vote for Ballman, so you should too!

So now that you know who I am, let me show you why I think you should vote for me on December 15th to be the next president of the AAP. As you know, our party has swelled to over 2,000 members in the last couple months, becoming the largest party in the eUS and the second largest in the eWorld (at the time of writing). However, we have done nothing with these new members. Very few straggle to our forums, and even less to our IRC channel. I would venture to say that out of our nearly 2,200 members, more than 1,800 of them would be considered 2-clickers by conventional standards. If I am elected I plan to change this. With our party size we could accomplish anything we wanted to, yet we don't. I'm not saying we need to control all 51 seats in Congress or have an AAP president every month, however our party has so much untapped potential to be something great. This is what might be considered my main point of the platform, doing something with our inactive members.

Another thing about our party that I intend to change is the organization. We as a party have been fairly unorganized the past couple months, really only showing cohesion on the 25th. Now I don't mean to knock on Mercurius (one of my favorite persons in this game) too much, however as party president it is my belief that he tried to do too much single-handedly, something that burned him out these past 2 or 3 months. If I am elected I will be bringing back a more team-based approach to leadership. I will be doing this by bringing back departments to carry out tasks I feel need to be done by the party, such as operating businesses to help finance the party and supply jobs to members, or educating our members so that they fully understand the game. I will be talking more about these departments and my plans for them in an article soon, so be looking for that.

So, come December 15th, you have a choice. That choice is on who you want to lead your party. I'm not telling you to vote for me, I'm not ordering you to vote for me, I'm asking you. I'm asking you to vote Ballman for AAP PP because I will bring organization and activity to this party, something we sorely need. So if you are tired of the AAP being unorganized and inactive, I ask you to vote Ballman on the 15th, so we can change that together. Thank you.


The Guy Who Wants to be Your Party President