Balance and tommorow's world powers

Day 611, 01:40 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Thomas Fairfax

Swords and Ploughshares - A polemical rag of the worst kind

Diverse columns march on the great states of north america, the nations of PEACE fly their flags triumphantly from the spires, and the Atlantis collaborator states shake at the fall of their protector. A high point for PEACE and world concorde no doubt, but Swords and Ploughshares worries that this is, indeed, also the high water mark. Since PEACE has existed, Atlantis has stood against it. Was this a necessary balance?

The Dutch people need no reminder of the excesses of Atlantis aggression, since the United States sullied our fields and furrows with the mark of hobnail boots. The French too have lived in the aftermath of American attempted invasion. But PEACE has waged its own wars. PEACE the liberator may be a concept lost on Australians, on South Africans, on the people of Japan. When Atlantis is truly gone, where will the new wars be fought? We tolerate Indonesia's guns and bombs out of sight, until indeed, they are turned on us and our friends.

The United Netherlands is but a small nation in the world, a potential pawn of unscrupulous powers. Without balance, in the absence of an opposite to greet us with "my enemy's enemy is my friend", it is states like our United Netherlands that will fall prey to the boredom of powerful neighbours.

When the world hegemony of PEACE fragments, as tommorow it is likely to do, who will our friends be? Now is the time to decide. Who will we run to when our neighbours betray us? That will be the time, this newspaper worries, that we will lament the loss of America, Canada, Atlantis - and the balance of the powers.