Back to the drawing board

Day 1,171, 14:59 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Swift Revenge

Night again. Me and my amber colored, alluring cold-fired liquid on the rocks.

No feminine variant of a Bobby McGee to keep me distracted. Yet dreamy. (self irony swallowed; readers can swallow their ironies too)

Of a future eSaudi Arabia rising proud above nations. Well, among top 10 at least. Not even sure if nation applies, for the moment it looks more like the wild west. Not really, just my wistful thinking.

Never mind the 75% Romanians, my belief is eSaAr could become a melting pot (chuckle, followed by the sound truly melting transparent pebbles of ice make when shaken). Adventurers and mercenaries of the world unite and settle down here, the land of opportunities. ("name one" demands that part of my brain we unanimously chose to ignore)

A bit tired. Must be the Lawrence syndrome.

What was that title about? I forgot.

Riyadh - a wannabe eSaudi close to slumber