Back in the UNL !!!

Day 731, 08:16 Published in Belgium Netherlands by Deviltje


Today i requested the UNL citizenship,it's approved.
I don't want to be a Belgian citizen any more. I won't explain my decision in this article, but i have to say i am disappointed by the UNL government.

This month i will run for congress for I&W in the UNL. I think the UNL deserves a good congress and a great government. Government should inform the citizens and the congress much better than they do now.

I didn't have a lot of time the last weeks to look at the forum to see all the latest developments, i tried to read all the articles in the media. I missed a lot of information, yes we have the weekly news and a financial article every week, but that's it.

As you can see there was a debate about a charter in the PEACE CG rules. A debate is always useful, but what i missed in the debate was a clear statement from the government what they wanted. The government should if they didn't agree on the new charter ask PEACE CG if thinks could be changed. I don't know if they did so, as said before a lack of information.

No instead UNL just leaves PEACE CG, congress voted against the charter i think, not against leaving PEACE CG. But in the private congress debate area there was said "If the result is NO, the eUNL will leave PEACE GC."

What the F****!!!

Citizens aren't informed, no instead congress and the government just make decisions what they think is right. Surely the charter could be wrong for us, but instead of discussing leaving PEACE CG they just went ahead and stated that saying NO to the charter is the same as leaving PEACE CG.
What kind of congress and government is this? Open?? NO!! Making agreements in the private areas, don't inform the people who make this country (yes, the citizens!)

Now some governmentmembers are talking about a new alliance, again no citizen is really informed..

As said i will run for congress in the UNL, and i will strive to make congress and the government more open. The way it's going now will only make citizens leave the country. Also i want that the government starts open discussions with PEACE CG to see if things can be changed in the charter.

PEACE CG has done a lot for us, if we can't get an agreement on the charter, well than we have to look for something else, but don't stab them in the back like this!!

Vote for Deviltje
Vote for I&W, the party who listens to the citizens!!