Azra'eil for the South West

Day 518, 16:15 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Azra'eil

I will be running for re-election into congress in the South West!

As you all know by now, I am extremely dedicated to my South West home, and if re-elected I will continue to work towards developing the region further.

Last congress term, I founded and Set up the South West Regional Council, in an effort to bring new life into the South West. And so far it has been an excellent success!

I have invested alot of my own Gold into the region, and will continue to do so if re-elected. As with last term, I promise to re-invest the 5 Gold won from being elected into congress straight back into the region.
So far, in this previous term, I have spent:
5 Gold on the Regional Council Organisation
2 Gold on the Regional Newspaper
3 Gold on the Regional Flag competition
Along with a lot of my time and effort.

If re-elected, this will be my third congress term. In the last two terms I have been very active, and have voted on Every single proposal in the House of Commons. I have dedicated myself to acting in the interests of the South Western population.

I have plenty of experience in politics, and have proven myself to be a reliable, trusted figure in the eUK community. My current roles are:

Minister of Health
Chairman of the MDU
Congressman for the South West

Even in these major roles, I still find plenty of time to dedicate to the South West.
I have the knowledge and experience required to make the South West a better place to live in the eUK, and promise to dedicate even more time than before to the region if I am re-elected.

I'm not going to make hollow promises about changes I don't have the power to make. Instead, the promise I make, is that I will dedicate as much time, money and effort as I possibly can to the South West.

Vote Experience
Vote Trust
Vote Dedication

Vote Azra'eil

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