Ayudemos a Belgica a evitar un TO, demostremos lo grande que es España [ESP|ENG]

Day 792, 14:42 Published in Spain Spain by Osculton

Hola a todos, desde el Defensor del Pueblo queremos hacer un llamamiento a los ciudadanos Españoles, para que acudan a Belgica a evitar un posible TO (Take Over).

Para quien no sepa que es un TO, es cuando un grupo de personas ajenas a un Pais intentan controlar un Pais por medios licitos pero inmorales.

Un Pais tiene derecho a su propia soberania, al igual que defendemos que una vez ocupada en su totalidad y anulados todos sus pactos deberiamos liberar Francia, a su vez necesitamos ayudar a Belgica a mantener su independencia, por ello rogamos a todos los españoles que de verdad quieran demostrar lo grande que es España y todos los que ally viven, que viajen a Belgica y ayuden a evitar un TO en nuestro pais amigo.

Por favor, si esta dentro de tus recursos viaja a Belgica, da igual que sea Bruselas o Flandes.
Yo me presento a Congresista por la parte de Flanders, digo esto para que no piensen que soy un interesado, ni nada por el estilo, no, no os pido el voto con esto, si alguien lo ve que no se extrañe.

El partido Belga nacional y representativo es el: Frente Nacional Democratico o
National Democratic Front

Vayas o no a Belgica por el motivo que sea, te pediria que votaras este articulo, no ya que te subscribas pero si que ayudes a difundir el Mensaje.


Hello to everyone from the Ombudsman we appeal to the Spanish citizens, so that
going to Belgium to avoid a possible TO (Take Over).

For those who know it's not a TO, is when a group of people outside a country tries to control a country lawful means but immoral.

A country is entitled to their own sovereignty, as well argue that once fully occupied and
canceled all his engagements we should liberate France, in Belgium they ever need help to keep their independence, so we urge all of the Spanish who really want to prove how big it is Spain and
all of good souls that live here, traveling to Belgium and help to avoid OT in our friendly country.

Please, if you are within your resources to travel to Belgium, dont care if you go to Brussels or Flanders.
I present to Congress by the part of Flanders, I say this because i dont want that you think that I am an interested party, or anything like that, no, I dont ask for your vote me with this, if someone see my candidature there you do not be surprised.

The Belgian national party representative is: National Democratic Front

if you go or not to Belgium, I would ask you that vote this article I dont need that you subscribe it but if you vote this you are helping us to spread the message.
