Awkward Elections

Day 552, 08:44 Published in Israel Israel by Joran

With all the speeches going around about how Congressmen are going to serve eIsrael, there's one basic fact that everyone's failed to notice...

A good percentage of the winners in the current standings aren't actively involved with the betterment of the country.

I don't mean this in the usual sense that my party argues: "Oh Kadima is ruining the nation!" or crud like that, I literally mean that I have never heard of some of these people until today, because they don't actually participate in the newspapers or the forum.

Now there is nothing wrong with going straight from a 2 click a day person to a congressperson, they'll vote as a part of their daily routine, and may even be enticed to become more active this way. But on the other hand, there's a very good chance that they might not ever make their own proposals or keep the gold that they win for themselves, since it's just "the prize for another achievement."

Candidates: Post somewhere, ANYWHERE! Just show us that you care about what happens after you claim the spot.

People: Vote, and make sure that people who will actively work to improve the country win.

In the process of developing a real sign off catch phrase... until then, this has been The Tribal Tribune.