
Day 1,067, 04:36 Published in India India by Rashtrapati Bhavan


First of all, I whish to anounce that the MoX team have increased and you could expect answers, when apealling MoX, from:
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The main issue is the today request addresed to all of you, concerned to develop the Baby Boom to publish the work you do, even parts of it, in this newspaper, to whom the newwbies could refer in thems first days in eR.

So, I would like to create here:
1. a colections of tutorials for eIndian players
2. a collection of advertising ideas, images, texts, video and so on
3. a colections of site’s where we could and should promote eIndia
4. last but not least, a public debate regarding the necesity of a baby boom, methods to achieve it, limitations we have, so on , so on …

The former MoX (Swathikrishnan) tryied a promotion through facebook (details on the olders numbers of this newspaper). I f could and shoud restart this please get involved.
If any of you have ideas about what we should do, please tell us.

We could, and should not, do that by ourselves.
YOU must do it ! YOU, the eIndian citizens, because this is all about YOU.

This is all for now.
I will later edit the article to add the ideas, pictures and other media you sugest for that.

Thank YOU !
