Australian Anti-PTO Update: 0500 Day 1,060

Day 1,060, 04:48 Published in Australia Australia by eAus Department of Information

***New Update at 1600 here ->

Good Evening eAustralia,

Election Update: 0500 Day 1,060

If you have not voted yet, please MOVE to one of the follow parties...

PaPP - Poison and Perish Party (to be renamed Procreate and Populate Party)
Olgas Fan Club (to be renamed Australian National Party)

If your are NEW to the game and have signed up to a party and don't know how to move, please do the following...

1) Go to My Places (at the top left)
2) Then click on Party
3) Click resign
4) Then select Join a Party
5) Click the party you want to join (with Olgas Fan Club you may have to select page 2)
6) Then click join
7) Finally, vote for the Anti-PTO candidate.

The Official Anti-PTO Candidates are...

PaPP - Paul Hamon (Note: Redrhys is too far behind, thus now back Paul)
Olga's Fan Club - Corey Blake

Thanks Australia for your support...

CrowdedHouse (Goose Step)
Minister of Public Relations for eAustralia
Deputy MoPR for eAustralia