Australia Reuniting - UPDATED War Coverage, Day 1400

Day 1,398, 06:33 Published in Australia Australia by H.Nelson
¤ UPDATE - 2300 on Day 1399

¤ UPDATE - 0245 on Day 1399

¤ UPDATE - 2300 on Day 1398

Dear Friends,

There are currently a number of battles under way in eAustralia so please make sure you fight in a battle where your influence is needed the most.

This article will be regularly updated during the 48-hour period it is listed in eRepublik media and will feature the list of ongoing battles eAustralia is involved in. Updates will be released as soon as they become available and will be included at the top of the article with the map below displaying eAustralia's current state regarding territories held.

States and territories held by eAustralia in green (latest update @ 0400, Day 1,399)

If you're a member of the ADF or a military unit remember to check with your commander first. As a civilian it is always a good idea to fight in the 'Campaign of the day' set by the Prime Minister.
Also, see this article by Wozzup1223 for more details.

Clicking on the map will take you to the battlefield

Resistance war in Western Australia
As strange as it might sound please fight for Brazil so that they retain a land bridge towards eIndonesian mainland

¤ Earlier on Day 1400

Resistance war in Chimor – an important fish resource region, secured by Australia

¤ Earlier on Day 1399

Resistance war in Western Australia – secured by Brazil

Resistance war in Victoria – taken back from Indonesia after many months of occupation

¤ Earlier on Day 1398

Resistance war in Chimor – secured by Australia

Resistance war in Western Australia – secured by Brazil

Battle for South Australia between eBrazil and eIndonesia – conquered by Brazil

Stay tuned as there's definitely more battles and RW's to come in occupied states of eAustralia.

I strongly believe that a united Australia is not a utopia but something that is about to be realised. Let's teach those eIndo bastards a lesson and send them back home!


Commander of the Order of Australia
Former Prime Minister of Australia
14-time Senator for Queensland
8-time Party President
3-time Inspector General
Battle Hero in Eastern Cape
Resistance Hero of Queensland
Resistance Hero of New South Wales