Australia Needs You.

Day 2,283, 01:35 Published in Australia Australia by AugustusX

The sound of gunfire echoes through the streets. The ground shakes with the distant thunder of artillery. The streets have never been quiet. And yet, everything is still. Not a single life stirs. No rodent. No animal. No human. Since the invasion no foot has stepped inside the streets of our city.

For too long we have rested.

For too long we have grown tired.

Now is the time.

A voice shatters the silence. It is fuzzy. Projected from a speaker.

Dear Citizens,

In our time of need we have sat quiet. We have hidden beneath the surface. We have grown stronger.

We promised you eAustralia that we would be there for you in your time of need. We promised we would fight for you until the end. We achieved that goal. We sought peace and it was achieved.

Movement breaks the peace of the dead city. Faces begin to emerge from the ruins. Men. Women. Children. Their numbers grow as the voice from the speaker continues.

But now we have heard the call. We are returning to arms. We are here again to fight for you. To liberate you.

The eyes of the citizens begin to change. The darkness begins to fade and so emerges a new light. A sense of hope. Faith. Light breaks through the clouds and rains down over the forgotten city. A lone soldier walks out. He bears arms and a flag.

Today eAustralia we rise. We unite. We Fight.

The transmission ends and static fills the silence. People begin to emerge from their homes. The strong stand in the open. They say goodbye to their families. They kiss their wives. Their children. Then they begin to move. They follow the single soldier down the road.

Today eAustralia, we take back what is ours. We re-commence the fight.

Be part of the Revolution. Join the Australian Liberation Front Today.

Supreme Commander