Australia's Population Statistics

Day 2,077, 15:21 Published in Australia Australia by Bordoc

 I figured I could share some of this information about eAustralia. This information is obtained from either the eRepublik API or the info already available from the country information as of day 2,077 at 14:27.

Australian Regions
New South Wales -
 Total Residents: 2667
 Active Residents: 300 (205 citizens of Australia)
Queensland -
 Total Residents: 2074
 Active Residents: 438 Residents (125 citizens of Australia)
South Australia -
 Total Residents: 1377
 Active Residents: 403 Residents (30 citizens of Australia)
Tasmania -
 Total Residents: 1364
 Active Residents: 227 Residents (191 citizens of Australia)
Victoria -
 Total Residents: 1356
 Active Residents: 267 Residents (184 citizens of Australia)
Western Australia (under Indonesian control) -
 Total Residents: 1356
 Active Residents: 366 Residents (297 citizens of Indonesia)
Northern Territory -
 Total Residents: 1119
 Active Residents: 371 Residents (50 citizens of Australia)

 Out of the 933 Active eAus citizens, 148 are not currently located within an Australian controlled region.

 There are obviously many "dead" residents throughout the country (as well as eRepublik as a whole).

I will continue to provide interesting information about eAus or the world as a whole as I come across it. We'll see what data can be mined from the Offical Data sources.