Aum. Political diversity

Day 1,392, 04:34 Published in Belgium Belgium by Ward De Bever

A seventh party has emerged on the Belgian political scene: Volsem's extreme-right anarchist Bunny Kommander. We remember from their self-description: "a party dedicated to bunnies, to direct democracy, and in fight against the evil (...)".

We welcome the granularity of the Belgian policitcal landscape, offering citizens more choice.

The government however, on the official Belgian forum, expresses slightly less nuanced, "immediate" reactions:

MG: "Oh crap... Just what we needed"

MG: "Let's hope we can get it banned, 'cause we don't need more parties"

All: "Let's give it to M. Leviathin"

Sha😛 "It's gonna be banned soon anyway"

We applaud the Bunny Kommander's stance on more in-game action.

Next: an article on revisionism. (edit 05h45: the article on revisionism can currently be canceled, thanks to swift intervention and a quick talk)
