Aum. A new president

Day 1,416, 15:59 Published in Belgium Belgium by Ward De Bever

Dear citizens,

Until Day 1412, splashdog was the Om party candidate. When he had to retire, he advised to support jamster737, which the Om party did. Since second-placed Mikhail Alexander applied for Australian citizenship before results were validated, Jamster's presidency would succeed to Volsem if something happened.

It's with astonishment that a cabinet member was encountered in the government line-up, who carries a Supreme Court recommendation not to hold public office for 28 more days. His nomination is a no-go even for this reasonable anarchist.

While we support, in principle and in practice, the unity of our country, respect for democratically agreed decisions is important too. At the heart lie laws and their interpretations. As Jofroi states, if we don't respect the Supreme Court as a democratic institution, "then we can remove any laws and the whole forum rules".

While this may seem appealing at first sight to anarchists, the resulting destructive disorder is not a goal to be pursued. Every support for the government will be handled on a case-by-case basis as long as incriminated persons are in a government position.

Each to his conscience, Belgium for the world!


Vote wise, vote Om party