Attica Receives a Q5 Hospital

Day 638, 20:49 Published in Greece USA by United Underdog
Congratulations, Attica

(This is an image of the "Athens State Hospital" of Athens, GA in that thing called real life. Of course, the real Athens is in Attica, Greece. But isn't it pretty?)

The population of over 1000 that Attica has attracted, through no special manipulation of movements (i.e., mostly through selection of newborns), is now to be serviced by a Q5 hospital.

Here's the legislation

Here's the region

Congratulations, once again!

Now, the next thing we may need is an evangelist to let those in Attica know (a) that they have a Q5 hospital, (b) what that means, and (c) how to use it. I'm too tied up with existing work. Any ideas or volunteers?

Or comments from the legislators who put this into motion?

A happy event, in any case.

Update: Please scroll back to the previous post and read or comment on the "opinion / thought with the people of Greece." While I spoke harshly against having armchair generals discussing what people in Greece should do in the official directions to Greeks for fighting from the Ministry of Defense, my completely non-official paper is fair game for anything.