Attention! Attention! Attention!

Day 463, 05:08 Published in France Czech Republic by Leo Ruby

Well, hopefully that got your attention; a little bit sensationalistic I suppose, but it serves it's purpose.
So here is what I have called you all for:

How would you like to see Wales become one of the most powerful nations on Earth? Yes, you heard me right, Wales. For several hundred years, Wales has been nothing but a small boil on Englands's great fat bottom (no offense to the English), slightly smaller than the other boil, Scotland, and to the right of the wart of Ireland, and I promise you that it will be that no longer, but only with your help! We shall bring about a new dawn in the U.K., a dawn where the sun never sets upon the Welsh empire! Will you come with me to bring about this dawn? There are many ways you can help; you can donate GOLD to my Org, Humanist-Industries to help fund the creation of the Royal Welsh Party and our other ventures including the Royal Welsh Guard; you can join our military, the Royal Welsh Guard, and travel around the world fighting against injustice and protecting smaller nations, or you can simply move to Wales if you are not already there to lend us your support. I am also looking for the help of the U.K.'s congressmen and woman, and I encourage them to join our movement. In addition, there are many leadership positions available, including:

Commander of the Royal Welsh Guard
Lt. Commander of the Royal Welsh Guard
Captain of Arms & Supplies
Chancellor of Business and Finance
Chancellor of Health
Official Lover (Male/Female/Hermaphrodite)

Please apply to these positions if you think you are qualified by PMing me. But what are my plans exactly you may wonder?

I will create a Welsh health care system, and expand it into other regions if they support our cause

As previously mentioned, I will deploy the RWG to aid nations in danger

I will try to ally with the three other ethnic groups in our small island, the English, the Scottish, and the North Irish, as well as with our good neighbors the Irish.

I will bring about a Renaissance of the arts and culture with awards for journalism, military tactics, diplomacy, and more.

So, will you join me and the other Welsh (and Welsh-at-heart) on our golden isle and bring about a new age to eRepublik? I'll be waiting for you...


King Leo Ruby
First King of eWales