Atlas News: Zero to Self-Efficient Stage Two [BLUE] Issue:2

Day 1,575, 04:33 Published in Canada United Kingdom by ApronChef

Welcome to issue 2 of Stage Zero to Stage Self-Efficient, its time to start stage one, how to start it off, this will be a mainly economic thing, as politics and military are later stages, however, its good to start a social network. Nonetheless, this does involve a military aspect, MU's.

Well, lets get it on then I suppose. I will be going through the Plato goodies bag when you join, and what to do from then on.

What Plato gives to the eBabies of the eWorld;
1x Food Factory Q1.
3x Grain Farms.
1x 1k Storage.

And thats the eBaby gift basket. Now onto what this means for you.

Working them, 1x Food factory Q1 produces 100 Q1 food in 0% bonuses, let us assume its 0% for this example. As you produce 100 Q1, that needs 100 FRM. As you have 3x Grain farms, this equals 105 FRM, so you produce an excess of 5 FRM every day. (5*0.3=1.5 CC), any excess is extremely useful, stockpile it or sell it.

Now, you want to expand as soon as possible, and as fast as possible, but how to do that? Its simple really, every time you level up you get 1g for doing so, make sure to save all gold! Otherwise you wont be able to afford the next steps.

Now you have your Plato goodies bag explained. (Storage is simple, 1 item x 1000 = your storage capacity. Want more? Enter competition below!)

As you go along, you will realise, wont another factory require more FRM? It sure will, to get this, you'll need to sell stuff, as you don't make much Q1 food or FRM to sell to make enough money for a 2x Fruit Orchids. To do so, I'd advice not fighting for the first week, and selling everything you produce, or try and find a nice supplied MU, and work in one of their companies, and sell the weapons they supply you for working with them. (Please ask them if this is okay, before doing so, you don't wanna get on the wrong foot)

Also, a job, yeah, in a game where you try to escape a bit of real life, a bit of real life has been implemented here. However, this job only involves one click (not lick) unlike the over stacking pile of report files etc you have in the corner.

Job Market: Click Here
Go for the highest paid job. Work until you have 6,000 CC (3,000 CC buy Fruit Orchid, save up another 3,000 CC, and buy another Fruit Orchid) and buy 2x Fruit Orchid.

Now you're probably wondering why a Fruit Orchid, its simple really, Grain Farms produce way too little, Cattle Farms, are too expensive for you at the start, and Fruit Orchids hit the spot right in the middle.

Big tip: Until you can self-supply your own food, do not fight with weapons. Sell all the weapons you get until you can supply all the foodies you need.

What classifies as being able to supply all your own food, if we consider the non-health building

Fruit Orchids cost 3,000 CC each, how does it pay itself off? If it is used for supplying a Food factory, the food factory pay it off must be calculated. If you sell all the FRM it produces, then you can calculate the Fruit Orchid itself, like so;

Fruit Orchi😛
70 x FRM
70 x 0.30 CC = 21 CC
3,000 / 21 = 143 days to pay off the Fruit Orchid by itself.

(All pay it off's for each company should be calculated on its own and paying for itself. Factories sadly do not fall into this pay it off, and must be done differently, which will be explained in the next issue.)

eUnited Kingdom Forum: Click Here
eCanada Forums: Click Here
eFrance Forums: Click Here
More forums will be added, if you want a specific one added, comment below

(Have a look at the FAQs or equivalents on these forums, also, need more help? PM me, I will do what I can to assist.)

Explaining abbreviations:
FF: Food Fights.
WAM: Work As Manager
IRC: Internet Relay Chat.
orly: Oh Really.
btw: By The Way.
MU: Military Unit.
FRM: Food Raw Material.
WRM: Weapon Raw Material.

IRC clients on a browser:
(IRC-Rizon-org is the IRC server you want btw)
Mibbit: Click Here
(I'd advice making an account, it auto logs you in if you save the password, and if you have an auto connect channel list, it'll do that for you too!) Click Here

(Try and make an account with a strong resemblance to your eRepublik name, also do this with your forum name, make them all similar or the same.)

The winner of the last competition was Diakun, winning one saltpeter mine and a 1k storage unit (10,250 CC overall)

Now for the next competition; This one has 3 winners in it. (How amazingly kind of me.)

Same as before, vote and comment below stating your vote number.

Four times 1k storages are going to be given away. Its time to bulk up your stockpiling powers!

Now, let me introduce you to my pet;

His name is Henrie, I have no idea what sorta animal he is, if you can identify it for me, that'd be great. (No reward for this sadly.)

Stage two, what will it cover?

-How to select you're character (e.g. ApronChef is a Chef Bear.)
-Saving, how and what to do it with.
-What to buy and what not to buy.
-Gold on the MM, and what it can do, or cannot do.
-What is this!?
-Paying off Factories.
-A guide. (written by moi, and with the input of several others.)
-Plus other useful stuff.

Have any questions? Dunno how to go from where you are? Need personal assistance? (Sadly I don't do road cover, but I do help on eRepublik stuff)

If so choose one of these methods;

PM me; Click Here
(click it to go to my profile and PM me.)

Look at all those options eh?

That sums Issue 2 up.

Lots of love;

(Any typos etc, blame it on Henrie.)