Atlas News: Zero to Self-Efficient Introduction [BLUE] Issue:1

Day 1,571, 09:57 Published in Canada United Kingdom by ApronChef

Economics of eRepublik, are they truly as simple as you assume? If they where as simple as you said they where, home come you aren't rich, or every player on eRepublik rich, well here's the secret. Its never as simple as it first sounds.

So, I complied a guide, from Stage Zero to Stage Self-Efficient.

It will explain everything, from starting the game, to being 100% self-efficient.
This article will be an introduction to parts of economics, this will also tap onto the shoulders of politics and military affairs and issues.

Saltpeters are what everyone needs to buy, costing 8,500 CC each, if the selling price is 0.3, that is: 162 days to repay it off. Its a long term investment for sure. But, with the right strategy, that wont be an issue, so keep an eye out of this series of articles, otherwise you'll miss some interesting facts, figures and tips of how to become economically self-efficient, then you can work on being a soldier, and eventually a life of a military genius perhaps?

The Monetary Market changes have left currency traders in the dark and destroyed a whole part of eRepublik economic's, but can you still MM trade?

Yes, its quite easy, more easier than before, but still risky. What you have to do is buy gold around the 1,000-1,300 CC mark, and resell at 1,310+

eUnited Kingdom Forum: Click Here
eCanada Forums: Click Here
eFrance Forums: Click Here
More forums will be added, if you want a specific one added, comment below

Explaining abbreviations:
FF: Food Fights.
WAM: Work As Manager
IRC: Internet Relay Chat.
orly: Oh Really.

[Guides will be added next issue, every issue will include more and more info and help]

Want to win a free saltpeter + storage? (10,250 CC)

If so, vote the article and write your vote number in the comments, no requirement to sub, but any subs are appreciated a lot.

The winner will be drawn via and will happen on the 12th of March 2012.
Get entering!

There are no CS requirements, any level any rank, any CS is allowed to enter.

Ohmy, this has to be a beautiful day, look at the sky, its Blue, look at the floor, its blue carpet, and I'm blue too, this is amazing.

"Did you hear that!?" Whispered Rubert to his friend.
"Hear what!?" Replied Ruberts friend.
"That rustling noice?" Said Rubert in order to identify what he meant.
"Ohmy, Look, its Woldy!" Shouted Ruberts friend.

"I WASN'T EXPECTING VISITORS!?" ~Woldy 09/03/2012

Next article will be Stage Zero, it will explain the first steps of a new player, from how to afford eLife right after being eBorn.

What it will cover:

-Starting food production.
-Links to free stuff/help.
-How to get active on forums.
-What IRC means and could do for you.
-Important places to visit on IRC.
-Defining milestones for personal development.
-Plus lots more goodies, and even more competitions.

Have any questions? Want individual help? Need help writing economic, military, political development plans?
If so, contact me straight away, I'm more than happy to help;

Click here!
click it to go to my profile and PM me.

Lots of Love;