Atlas News: Howard the carrot & Rubert the Frog. (03/03/2012)

Day 1,565, 07:48 Published in Canada United Kingdom by ApronChef

Once upon a time, a carrot called Howard, decided to go to the park, he met a frog called Rubert, they became friends and talked all day, and discussed topics spreading from the green grass to the blue of the sky.

Once the day was up, the frog said to the carrot, I am so sorry, but I must leave you now. The carrot replied, oh but why, it was so perfect. The frog did not say anything in reply, and hopped off into the distance.

The carrot got up and started walking towards the park gates to get back to the grocery store. As he did this, he noticed a few figures in the distance, they where youngsters-gangsta's aka scum of society. The carrot did not know what to do, they could try and eat him or worse, talk to him.

This was something the carrot could not allow, so he decided to turn around, and find a new way out of the park, and by sudden surprise the heavens opened up, and rain poured from the sky, and the yougster-gangsta's ran for their lives as it was raining, it and burns them, cause they dirty creatures.

The carrot was overwhelmed by this strike of luck, but he fell in a puddle, and go thrown around, and lost his direction and he could not see the exit, the visibility had been compromised with the ever increasing volume of rain falling from the sky.

The carrot, did not know what to do, he was left in the cold, and he was stuck, he had no way to escape, no way to find freedom, he was trapped in a storm, and their was no centre to it.

He tried to make way for a close by tree, and he tried so hard to get there, but the ground had turned to sludge, and he could barely walk 3cm. He now knew, he is gunna die here, this is it, the best day of his life, will be his last, but it will end with such agony and pain.

Then he just gave up, and laid down, and closed his eyes, and just lay there. And he sai😛 Atleast todai, I can go with happiness, even though my days will be over and that I never got to continue. But hey, I got to live todai.

The storm raged, ripping leaves from their tree, the grass became flooded, the pavements hidden under mass of leaf sludge. The whole park, the whole world started to cease existence. The carrot then sai😛 I wonder what was for tea if I ever got home.

Then all of a sudden, the rain stopped, the skies turned to perfect blue, the ground absorbed the excess water, so the ground was just a bit sludgy, the leaves on the pavement moved to one side, allowing perfect sight of the exit. The carrot, just stared at this miracle, how was this possible, just how, so the carrot got up, and just stood there, was this for real, or did he decompose during the storm, and this is heaven or his way to it. He decided to steadily make his way to the exist.

When he arrived at the exit, he just stood there, looking at the iron gate, which had been left open. He saw it as a sign to go through, and so he did.

Then all of a sudden, a Bunnie jumped out, and ate the carrot.

My carrit! >.>


~Lots of love;