ATLANTIS BACKSTAB: U.K. Raids Czech Treasury, No U.S. Response

Day 531, 11:30 Published in USA USA by Nick Everdale
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The Fair Dealer comes to you today with a developing story that threatens to split the ATLANTIS alliance just as it capitalizes on the recent Indonesian losses in Asia. Reports have surfaced that the United Kingdom, an ATLANTIS member, knowingly took over the government of the Czech Republic, raided their treasury, and made off into the night.

The Czech Republic, it must be noted, has a friendly status with the United States. The theft of its 150 gold - a fortune to a nation so small - leaves it practically penniless.

The situation came to light at midnight on April 30th, when a Czech citizen posted an impassioned plea for U.S. support. He wrote, "The Czech Republic was subverted by the United Kingdom's Paras who managed to steal congressional seats and move our treasury into the accounts held by British and Romanian interests..."

If true, these accusations may mean the United Kingdom is guilty of subverting its own allies for personal gain. Public opinion in the United States was split regarding the events, with publishing magnate and former Congressman Jewitt flatly stating, "This happens to every small country."

Former American Secretary of Portugal Affairs Danylo Halytskyj again led the charge for a full investigation into a foreign power, stating, "America should truly revisit its position in [ATLANTIS] if this criminal act is not rectified and punished."

Hakytskyj also called for allowing the current U.S.-U.K. MPP to expire, as well as placing a strong embargo on the United Kingdom until reparations are made.

At this time there has been no official response from President Scrabman, who is coming to the end of his first term in office in mere days. With the dominant Congressional opinion moving towards strong sanctions, this explosion comes at an awful time for Scrabman's re-election campaign, now in full swing.

More on this story as it develops.