AT* for the NE*

Day 610, 07:20 Published in Ireland Ireland by Aran Tal

Dear citizens of the Northeast,

It has been an honour representing you in Congress for the last month and I would like to do so again with the same passion, forethought, honesty and integrity as before. The world is in a perilous position right now and we need congressmen and -women who understand the complex mechanics of war and international politics, I believe I can continue to be that congressman.

I am the Vice President of Ireland, and, more importantly the Minister of Defence, overseeing the operations of a large and complicated department. In this capacity I have been in near-constant contact with certain elements of PEACE GC and the American military joint chiefs of staff, alongside my counterparts in France, Canada, the UK, Spain and Hungary and I have become quite expert in current global affairs.

Our situation is certainly delicate but my proudest achievement was the negotiation and agreement of two crucial documents which recognise our neutrality and self-determination from the general secretary of PEACE and the president of the United States. In short order these agreements will become contracts and Ireland's diplomatic safety will be one step closer to certain. More can and will be done, but this first step is crucial.

As a congressman I have voted on every issue, asserted my beliefs where they were needed and encouraged younger congressmen to put out their thoughts on the Dáil floor. In the last four months I have never seen a congress so dedicated to working together for the benefit of all Ireland, and the backing and support the Department of Defence has received has been greatly appreciated.

Wargames are on hold right now, and that frustrates many of you as it does me. However my main priority in this next term as a congressman will be sourcing a new set for us to join in temporarily, ideally through an MPP with a non-contiguous neighbour. However I can offer no guarantees as no region of the world can really be called 'stable' these days. One thing is certain, I will work every day to the end of my abilities and experience to guarantee that Ireland's sovereign integrity is safe.

So, on the twenty-fifth of July, please vote for the continued security of Ireland, both military and diplomatic. Vote for competence and experience. Vote for integrity and endeavour. Please vote for Aran Tal.

With, as always,
Much Love
ISRP TD for the Northeast