Asterix In Switzerland, The End of Primaries? and The Upcoming Elections

Day 892, 20:18 Published in Switzerland USA by Paul Proteus

This article of Good-Bye Blue Monday will be split into three parts,
Asterix in Switzerland
The End of the Primaries?
The Upcoming Presidential Elections

I have been working on this all day, all week 😛
The MUCH anticipated, At least I hope so :/
Asterix in Switzerland

I have done this, with admittedly, a little help from my good friend Penguin, here is the character guide:


Paul, is very strong and handsome, and had the good fortune of writing this article, and in his mind, he is a key member of Switzerland, so Paul is played by,


Well, He IS something, definitely a bit of a legend around here 😛, He has always been a bit...Let us say magical? Well, any of your reasons, he will be played by,


Here is our Friend Arschmann, he's the one in charge (Well, Technically), and is trying to get submission from many resisting Gau....I mean Swiss resistors, so he is played by....
Julius Caesar!


Well, being the leader of the PSR, he probably has some n00bs carrying him, and, judging by the pictures stomach, both him and Xavibong share the love of Barkeep 😃 So Xavibong will be played by,

Clifford Burns

Now, this has nothing to do with my opinion, but, he likes to comment, and most people don't appreciate it, so Clifford will be played by that guy with that Goddamn Harp,

And Lastly,

Penguin, is a BIG member of the resistance, literally! He does what he can, and, like Obelix, he probably fell into a vat of something funny when he was little, so, Penguin will of course be played by,

Sorry Icewood, wanted one for you, couldn't find a good fit 🙁

Now that we know the characters, let's continue to some comics!

Well, It is getting late, so there is only one comic, and it really isn't THAT great, but enjoy 😃

Well, for extra filling :

Now, moving on
The End of the Primaries?
Yes, I've had a good go, hosting primaries to decide which SLP/PSR/SFP candidate would run for president, but now with a coalition forming, I decided to talk to Eleriel, and we decided (He told me) that there was no need for a primaries, so, that is that, sorry 🙁

Well, Moving on to the last section,
The Upcoming Presidential Elections
Everything is still a bit fuzzy, and frankly, I am a bit confused...

But here is what I do know, the SLP, PSR, and SFP I believe have all joined a coalition. Now, they are choosing who will run as president, from the three parties, and I know that it has to be a PSR member, as they have such a majority of coalition congress members, but I also know that many high up PSR members *cough* Eleriel *cough* Xavibong *cough* stated that I had a very good chance to run as there Vice President, which I think is still pretty sweet...

Well, that was today's article,

Here is today's anime pic of the day 😛

Also: Hail Renouille
And here is todays,

Renouilleists do not have to believe that Renouille is intelligent, in fact, NO WHERE in the book of Renouille does it say Renouille is always right, all one has to do, is to believe that Renouille is god, and chant it multiple times 😛

And just a funny pic:

And remember, Paul Proteus is out of control!

...and for your troubles,">Life, The Universe and Everything<