Assassination Plot: Investigation

Day 1,216, 02:03 Published in Japan Japan by Fruitcommando
18:37 erep time, day 1,215 Nowe was murdered. I am head of the investigation of this case; Information on this murder is as follows. The murderer seen wearing a hat with both bananas, oranges and pineapples was seen by a citizen of eNorth Korea (being communist owls they are up at night). The perpetrator was seen with two containers presumably full of gas, A silenced machine gun issued to Military Special Forces and a picture of alfred ball. He later broke into the shanty shack Nowe owns and began to open fire, Collinar was seen entering the house next with a body bag.

An hour later Collinar was seen leaving the shanty shack with a full body bag with bits of blood on the outside, presumably Nowe. Five to Six minutes later the shack was lit on fire and every bit of evidence pertaining to this crime was destroyed. Collinar and the Perpetrator were soon seen discussing a government matter in the nearby park (something pertaining to the new emperor), Collinar discussed plans to leave to another region to run for congress. The perpetrator and Collinar talked for a few more minutes and Collinar left. The perpetrator sat on the bench manly tearing over his fallen bro, Alfred Ball. Other eye-witnesses saw the Perpetrator enter a low-quality liquor store owned by BobbySAURON nearby Nowe's former residence. He left two hours later with three bags of alcohol and walked into a subway station, he was not seen after this.

If you have any information pertaining to this crime please send it to me via mailbox, address 206 Rumanian HQ Japan district.

I will be placing myself as emperor for the time being, seeing as there is no political figures who can fill the job - We ask no one step up at this time due to the many assassinations.

The cabinet will be released soon.

In memory of Alfred Ball, Former Grand Presidente