Asking the AAP for Re-election

Day 356, 13:55 Published in USA Canada by Citizen HEM

Fellow AAP members,

Today I stand before you in asking for your support in re-election as AAP Party President. I have served over the last month as hard and as reliably as I could, and we have seen great results.

I took over in a few precarious position, from the scourge of the earth, Evan Bayh who tried to kill and ruin our great party. However, in the coming days we held, under my direction, the first ever democratic election for party positions. I will not take all the credit, far from it, I was graced with members wise and skillful who helped me many times along the way. However, I feel this radical change was one lead by me and my last campaign.

Over my term I held many meetings over chatroom in the forum, where every party member had the chance to speak out. My administration was about openness, and I have been open with this party.

I have had shortcomings, yes. I admitted this in my first campaign that I would not, and could not presume to have a perfect term. But when I did screw up, I apologized and I feel that as a leader I have not isolated myself from my mistakes.

Under my direction we have started to form debates to discuss the idea of a party charter and a party manifesto that would make a list of our goals and list the rights of the members and duties of our president. We have a long way to go, but we are making progress.

I am the creator of our current forum, I am proud that with the help of others we have created a place open for AAP members to voice concerns and hold debate. If you support me or not, I urge you to join the forum, the link will be at the bottom.

Friends, I have presented today the list of my accomplishments. I present my record for the world to look at and scrutinize at their will. I have a tough opponent, and he loves the AAP as much as I do. We have talked and we both share many common goals. In the next few days, I will realize more specifics about my goals and how I want to accomplish them.

Until then, Your humble servant,

-Citizen HEM

And Remember to Join the Forum!