As predicted...

Day 1,604, 15:56 Published in South Africa South Africa by K9 Jazpurr

...the bot lowered its prices again.

Before I do the expected and list the new bot prices, I have to reveal that this MAY be my last article on bot prices. My RL has been turned upside down (in a good way) and I won't have as much time as I used to have for eRep.
I'll still be here though, 2-clicking atleast, and trying to do just a little more if time permits, but I won't have any time for the forums or to continue with my "bot exploitation" strategy.
Though it doesn't look like there'll be a bot for much longer so it's not like you all will be lost without me 😛

Anyhow... here they are:

Q1 - 0.57 (0.51 after tax)
Q2 - 1.15 (1.03 after tax)
Q3 - 1.72 (1.54 after tax)
Q4 - 2.28 (2.04 after tax)
Q5 - 2.88 (2.57 after tax)
Q6 - 3.44 (3.08 after tax)

Q1 - 5.78 (5.16 after tax)
Q2 - 11.56 (10.32 after tax)
Q3 - 17.34 (15.48 after tax)
Q4 - 23.12 (20.64 after tax)
Q5 - 28.90 (25.80 after tax)
Q6 - 34.68 (30.96 after tax)


For cheap goods, you may want to browse the flea markets in China, France, Greece, Hungary, Poland, USA. Those are the countries I frequent most. Sometimes I get lucky in Argentina, Brazil, Indonesia, FYROM, Serbia.
The shopping hot spots change from week to week as everyone scrambles to figure out the new bot prices. It will be interesting to see who the big players will be this week coming.
I won't have time to go price hunting so much anymore but if you have any intel you think may be helpful to your fellow citizens, please feel free to post a comment here or pm me.
Also, if you want to know the answer to life, the universe and everything else, send me 42g and I'll tell you.