As finishing touch... eBelgium wiped out the dutch!

Day 1,210, 13:16 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by The Amsterdam Weekly
Some inspirational music

Today, the brave and glorious Army of eBelgium, our proud nation, has started the annexation of the eNetherlands. Official orders are to hold fire for the battle of tomorow, but all are convinced that there will be no need for defence, as the glorious army of eBelgium, undefeatable and glorious, marches trough the fields of Holland without much opposition.

Here you see the Glorious Army of eBelgium, gathered on the main square of Tilburg:

Here you see the flag waving over the capured city of Breda:

The plan

Here is the official information concerning the plan "Patatje weg".
Our operation is called that way because we will get rid of the figure of speach "patatje met" for ever, and replace it with the National Dish of Belgium, The Glorious Mussels with Fries, and mayonaise.

The plan is simple. The Glorious and Undefeatable Army of the Glorious Nation eBelgium,
lead by our Generals Medrolke and Temujin94, will fight right on, push trough the Southern Netherlands and crush all opposition!

We will crush the Dutch!
Down to the last windmill!

Down to the last Drugstore!

Down to the last Klomp!!

Fight in the battle for the Southern Netherlands

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Kill the dutch, for the glory of the Motherland!!

In name of the Official
Ministry of Spam