Around the World in 60 Seconds : Day 1,023

Day 1,023, 10:57 Published in Canada Albania by Roger Griswald

Todays highlights:
- eBiH seeks to regain all of its regions today in four battles
- eUK attacks New York, Poland ~ drawing firepower away from other battles
- eIndia seeks to remove eSerbia from its region

Quote of the day:
“The next time you decide to post an article in which you plan to use images which are both sensational and shocking, ask yourself...”Would I still do this if I did not have the safety of the anonymity my computer screen provides” “Would I be embarrassed if someone in my RL found out that I posted such an article.

Sometimes the greatest censor of your own conscience.” – Acacia Mason

The eBalkans

In a bid to regain all of the eBosinia and Herzegovina (eBiH) original regions in one day, EDEN member-nations are mobilizing around the globe to lend troops to the battles for the four regions of East Srpska Republic, Brčko District, Federation of BiH (which are all eBiH led resistance wars) and West Srpska Republic (which Croatia has attacked on eBiH’s behalf). These four battles are slated to wrap up by 12:00 eRep time. The newly elected Country President of eBiH, Amir M has posted article in a number of EDEN member nation news feeds asking for assistance from citizens in the battles.

As reported yesterday, eRomania attacked Ruse, Bulgaria yesterday in hopes of deflecting some of eBulgaria’s fire away from their battles in eBiH. However, with few troops to commit to the deflections, eRomanian did not launch any substantial troop numbers onto the battlefield, sparing resources for the battles in eBiH. Without much opposition eBulgaria easily defended its region of Ruse today.


Yesterday at around 24:00 eRep time, eUK attacked New York, Poland. The attack, which is the first time in months that the eUK has launched an attack on the North American continent, will finish at around the same time as the battles in eBiH, thus drawing fire power from ePolish forces away form the battles in the eBalkans.


Yesterday, eIndia launched an attack on the eSerbian region of Balochistan. eIndia sees the attack as an extension of the promise eSerbia made to the eNation to remove themselves from all eIndian regions once the eNation had region-swapped to eIndonesia. The Indian Armed Forces has labeled the battle as high priority and eIndian leaders are calling for assistance from governments around the world to assist in the battle.

The eUSA plans to add their forces to the battle, in a Department of Denfese Order issued yesterday, the eNaiton called for all citizens to fight in Balochistan.

The battle for Balochistan is slated to wrap up around 19:00 eRep time today.

If you know of any global event that merits highlighting, please PM me ( and I will do my best to include them. Should there been errors in my coverage, please PM me ( or comment below and I will double check facts and make any corrections needed.

Oh and as always... trolololo away.