Armageddon of cowards [RO/EN]

Day 475, 05:27 Published in Romania Romania by MoonlightShadow
[RO Version]

Spuneam eu acum vreo saptamana ca Armageddon-ul e pe cale sa inceapa, razboiul romano-indonezian. Eram chiar increzator in frumusetea viitorului razboi. Crunta dezamagire. Crunta fiindca eu stiam ca noi vroiam sa incrucisam pe bune armele cu ei, dar nu ma asteptam ca indo sa fie chiar atat de lasi. Ma asteptam ca razboiul sa fie intre noi si ei, nu intre noi si enspemii de fronturi deschise impotriva noastra. Iar "bravii" de ei se tot agita de o saptamana cu fronturi deschise din toate partile, ca sa nu putem sa-i atacam. Rezultatul dureros a fost pierderea WSR, dar si acolo s-a datorat faptului ca noi luptam in trei locuri.

Scurt pe doi Romania vs Indonezia inseamna ca ii zapacim, ceea ce banuiam. Dar Romania vs indonezia + RWs + Ungaria e mai dificil. Acuma, mai multa organizare si o populatie mai implicata care sa lupte cand si unde trebuie, ar duce la victorie chiar si in aceste conditii. Sa ne uitam doar la ziua de azi, am securizat SGP-ul la peste 100.000, zidul in RW-ul din Northern Region este si el la 100.000, acuma "razboinicii" au mai deschis inca o data Northern Region, marionetele unguresti incearca si ele sa faca "ham-ham" intr-o noua regiune ungureasca. Este riscant sa incerci securizarea cu 30-40-50 de mii de puncte, dar trebuie neaparat gasita o modalitate de a risipi cat mai putin damage.

Trebuie sa recunosc ca cel mai "trist" sunt pentru unguri. In naivitatea lor (sa nu zic altcumva), ei chiar se iau in brate si se pupa cu indonezienii, "fratii lor", fac hore impreuna, iubire mare. Dar se pare ca nu observa un fapt simplu: au incercat de patru ori sa cucereasca mult dorita lor SGP, dar de fiecare data au fost lasati de izbeliste de "fratii lor de sange", ca sa ii batem noi. Ca astazi. Sarmanii unguri nu-si dau seama ca sunt folositi de indonezieni doar ca sa mai "zmulga" ceva sute de mii de damage din puterea noastra militara, astfel incat sa aiba ei sanse in est. Si apoi sa-si proclame superioritatea militara. Adica, ma intelegi, esti cel mai tare cand reusesti sa cuceresti o regiune dintr-o tara care lupta pe trei fronturi. Cum ar veni, in ringul de box iti aduci din tribune doi oameni, unul iti tine adversarul de o mana, altul iti tine de alta mana, tu cari pumni, si cu toate astea abia-abia reusesti sa castigi. Si apoi te proclami Tatal-Lor.

Totusi un lucru ma bucura..daca in primele batalii paream ca suntem singuri impotriva tot Peace, in ultimele batalii am inceput sa observ din ce in ce mai multe nume care nu-mi pareau cunoscute. Incet-incet incepem sa fim ajutati de Alianta din care facem parte. Bine, nu pot sa spun ca nu sunt dezamagit de o tara particulara, una mare si care speculeaza prezenta intregului Peace in zona Romaniei, pentru a cuceri nestingherita o tara vecina.Vorbesc despre SUA, ai caror cetateni de rand nu doar ca nu vor sa ne ajute, dar spun prin commenturi ca daca Romania incepe sa bata Indonezia, vor lupta impotriva noastra, sa nu acumulam "prea multa putere". Dar in acelasi timp sunt placut impresionat de alte tari, nordicii, scandinavii, si altii, carora le multumesc pt ajutor.

Dar dezamagit ca de Indonezia, nu voi mai fi curand in acest joc. Sunt atat de lasi, incat aproape imi pare rau acum ca am ales sa ne luptam cu ei. Trebuia sa alegem o alta tara Peace, poate nu la fel de puternica, da` nu in halu` asta de lasa, sa ne tina o saptamana zilnic cu 2-3 fronturi deschise, doar-doar ne bat la limita prin vreo regiune.Ok, Ok, vorbim de strategie, geopolitica, ce vreti voi. Dar mai vorbim si despre imaginea in ochii omului de rand. Am purtat un respect profund o buna perioada de timp indonezienilor si puterii lor militare, da` ce fac ei acum, ascunsi dupa trei randuri de fuste, a dus la pierderea acestui respect. Nu au primit lupta fata-in-fata, se simt bine si mari razboinici doar daca noi ne luptam in 3-4 batalii concomintent, doar una fiind cu ei. Halal.

Deci n-a venit niciun Armageddon,n-am avut cu cine.. dar un lucru mi-e clar. Daca ne indreptam intr-o singura directie, ii zapacim. Cifrele vorbesc de la sine. Acuma, ce sa facem. Unii zic sa le dam ungurilor SGP-ul. Ati innebunit? Pai ganditi-va doar la aspectul asta: o luna intreaga (posibil 2) top rated international va fi plin de articole unguresti "victorie!" si "i-am calcat in picioare pe romani". Este plin acum topul ala international cu draq stie ce, daramite daca vor castiga SGP-ul. Si dincolo de asta, degeaba, ei vor si Transilvania, si ehe.

Asa ca strangem din dinti. Cautam modalitati sa ii luam pe rand si sa le dam bataie. Sau sa le dam bataie chiar si asa. Ne mai ajuta si aliatii. Si mai ales, ramanem uniti, nu? Ca doar nu se uita careva in gura lu` gabrielstur, care se strofoca de o saptamana sa semene zanzanie in tara. Strangem din dinti..pana atunci, nu avem ce Aramgeddon sa facem cu soldati ascunsi dupa trei randuri de fuste. Pentru un razboi frumos, ai nevoie de o armata brava, care sa accepte confruntarea directa, fata-in-fata.

[EN Version]

Few articles behind I said that Armageddon is coming: the Romanian-Indonesian War. I was truly trustful in the beauty of the upcoming war. Huge disappoint. Huge because I knew we Romanians want to fight against indo, but I didn`t expect Indo to be such cowards. I was expecting the war to be between us and them, not between us, and them plus tons of other attacks. Yeah, yeah, I know clever strategy. But for me braveness when you`re call at war it`s not measured in how much you can weak your enemy by using other puppets.

After this week of war, shortly said numbers make me believe that in Romania vs Indonesia we crush them, and I expected that. But Romania vs Indonesia vs RWs vs Hungary it`s a bit harder. Now, with an extra attention to population, to be strictly pointed when and where to fight, we can win even in these conditions. Let`s just look at today`s history. We secured our beloved SGP with 100.000 dmg+, the wall in Northern Region RW the same is at 100.000 +, our brave enemies opened again Northern Region (this time not RW), and of course little Hungarians puppets tries to hurt us with another opened region. It`s risky to try securing a region with just 30-50.000 dmg, but we must somehow find a way to limit damage waste as much as possible.

I must admit, I`m very sad for Hungarians. They`re so naïve that they hug and kiss their Indonesians “brothers”, it`s a big love there. Looks like they forget how so many times they were left alone by their beloved “brothers”, in their countless attempts to conquer SGP. So we beat them. Badly, like today in SGP. Poor little Hungarians just don`t realize that Indo don`t give a damn about them, they just use them as puppet so that some hundred thousands of damage points goes in West. Hence they can be “warriors” in East. After that they proudly proclaim how good they are. You understand me, you`re cool when you conquer a region of a country fighting in three battle fields. Yeah, yeah, strategy. This is just like a box game in which one of the players picks up from the crowd two men, one grabs an arm, other grabs the other arm, and you can proudly and fearless and really warrior-style kick your enemy. And still, you almost got beaten along with your “helping hands”. Actually, one got.

One thing makes me happy. If in the first battle seemed we were completely alone against all Peace, now lately I`m starting to see more and more soldiers I don`t know. Slowly the Alliance we belong to starts to help us. Anyway, I can say i`m somehow disappointed by one country, having fun with neighbors. I`m talking about USA. It`s true that at high levels of hierarchy feelings are different, but “average joe” not only it`s not willing to help us, but they proclaimed will fight against us if we start to push back Indonesia, such that we won`t gather “too much power”. What can I say more.. Same time, i`m impressed by the help other gave to us, Scandinavians, Nordics, and others, which I thank for that..

But disappointed as much as I am about Indonesia I shall not be anytime soon in this game. They`re so cowards that i`m almost regretting the choice we made to fight with THEM. We should pick up another Peace country, maybe a weaker one, but a braver one, accepting a fight face-to-face. Not so highly strategically like Indonesia, keeping us everyday with minimum 2-3 battlefields opened, maybe-maybe they beat us in one region, in the last minutes.. Ok, ok, we can talk about strategies, being smart, but also, let`s keep in mind image projected by Average Joe`s, like me, when they hear the word “Indonesia”. I used to have a profound respect for Indonesia and it`s military power for half a year. But what they do for a week, hiding after three skirts, lead to loss of that respect. They didn`t dare a face-to-face fight, they only feel warriors when we fight on 3 battlefields simultaneously. Pfffff

So no Armageddon came. Unfortunately we had no adversary for that. We can`t talk about a “beauty war” now, all we can talk it`s “how can we obtain a clear day in West, so that we can fight Indonesians in East”. Some hates taking-over.Other consider it "being smart". But for me it`s a huge difference between "being smart" by taking over, and "being smart" in real wars.And wining a war 3v1 it`s not a reason to be proud, just like it`s not taking over politically. I understand Hungary position, which is a delicate one. But Indonesia, using them for a week to keep us out of reaching to call that? Braveness?Are all those articles and comments right? Can they be proud for their "wining"?

One thing is obvious for me, numbers and battle statics talks for itself: if we fling only toward one side, we crush them. Now, what can we do? Some say “let`s give Hungarians SGP, and deal Indonesians with all our rage” . I`m saying “are you nuts?” . Think about it this way: if Hungarians get SGP for at least one month (maybe two), all the top rated international will be filled with 1000+ votes for articles “ Victory !” and “We crushed Romanian, hurrah, hurrah, hurrah !”.. and of course, slightly variations. Now the international top it`s filled with god-knows-what written by them, imagine how it will be if they get SGP. No chance, 20/20 Hungarians article in top rated international, I bet my house. Besides, Hungary don`t want just SGP, they also want Transylvania, heh.

Oh well, i guess i should get used to the ideea that there`s not gonna be a romania-indonesia war, like i hoped a week ago. Just a strategy war with so many undergrounds.With so many battles, this war can now be win only with the help of our allies.So for now we grit our teeth. And we search ways to take our "brave" enemies one by one. And beat them. Or maybe we can find ways to defeat them on multiple battlefields. We thank our truly allies. We stand united. We again grit our teeth. And wait for the day when Indonesia will have nowhere to run. Until then: no Armageddon with hidden-after-mom`s-skirt soldiers. For this you need a brave army. Not one trying desperately to avoid direct confrontation with you, face to face, one to one.